REVIEW UPDATE: Culer Solo Cooler

REVIEW UPDATE: Culer Solo Cooler

Some cool improvements.

Disclaimer: The folks at Culer very kindly supplied a Culer Solo for this review. As always, the opinions are my own.

As we enter the thick of the summer, if you’re anything like our family, I’m sure you’re looking for creative ways to cool down.

We were able to do an early review of the Culer Solo last summer, giving a mixed positive review to what is an interesting take on the typical high-end fan/mist-style solution. The folks at Culer were kind enough to send us their updated model a few weeks ago, so we took it out for another spin to see what’s changed.

Better Looks

This isn’t the sort of product you purchase for its looks, but it doesn’t hurt that the updated Culer lineup takes some positive steps in the right design direction. The white body and improved control panel at the top go a long way toward improving a product that was pretty industrial looking in its former incarnation.

Better Culer controls

Much Improved Controls and Setup

Those controls don’t only look better… they’re dramatically easier to figure out and make the entire experience of using the product quite a bit more pleasant.

What was formerly a 10-step process of pressing buttons and blindly twisting dials is now brainlessly simple to figure out. Turn the power on, turn the cooling function on or off, and set the speed of the fan. That’s it!

Similar “Cooling” Potential

If you’ve read my former review, you know that the Culer doesn’t actually lower the air temperature in the space; what it does do is make you feel dramatically cooler if you’re standing nearby, which is pretty awesome to be honest.

If you turn on the cooling function (you can use just the fan if you like, but what’s the point in that?), a small jet of “atomized” water flash evaporates in an area about 3-5 feet away from the unit; that produces a wild cooling effect that’s pretty hard to describe. You don’t feel water on your skin or really any moisture at all (unless you put your hand inches from the unit), but there’s an unmistakable cooling sensation that will rock your world on a hot summer afternoon. Our kids love to run and stand by it to cool down while they’re playing, and then dart back into the yard for more. However, you can also look for a personal air cooler. These are neither too big nor noisy due to this feature you can use it everywhere. if you have asthma or any respiratory problem caused by dry air this could be the best option. The Culer is an ideal addition to your patio, workshop, or even indoor spaces where you need to cool down.

Still Good, but Expensive

Overall, Culer has made some notable improvements to an already good product, except for maybe the price. If you live on your patio or work in a stuffy environment, you might find the Culer Home Solo to be worth its weight in gold. I think the average family may still find some sticker-shock in its $239 price tag, though. (I did find a deal on Amazon for $199 at the time of this review).

All-in-all, we really like the Culer Solo, and if you fall in a specific usage sweet spot, I think you’ll like it too.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).