Tech-tastic Ways to Make Use of a Spare Room

Tech-tastic Ways to Make Use of a Spare Room

The following contribution is from another author.

Our homes are our place to relax and be ourselves in. It doesn’t matter whether you live in an apartment or house, rented or owned, you feel that once that door is shut behind you, that you are in a little version of heaven on earth. We do what we can to decorate and make our homes special and unique, so what do you do when you have a spare room, and aren’t sure how best to utilize the space? Here are some suggestions that involve a little technology and fun to make you get the best use out of a spare room in your home.

The Home Theater Room

Many homes have a living space. They have seating, a TV, and perhaps a coffee table even. It may be used for the children to play, or be a room to socialize with friends and family. Perhaps the spare room could become your own home cinema room that’s reserved for the purpose of watching films or TV marathons. You could aim for comfortable sitting, having a home theater installation, big TV and even a surround sound system. It would be so great to just retire to that room, and enjoy a decent film, without the worry of heading to the theater. Plus, it could be great for a games console too.

The Man Cave

Many men and women don’t always want to be watching the same thing on TV at the same time. Football might be on at the same time as their favorite program, for example. So perhaps the perfect use for your spare room is to create a man cave. Think of a room with a TV, the games console, and a fridge with drinks and snacks. It’s the perfect place to relax after a hard days work. It could also be the place for all of your technology gadgets, leaving the rest of your home looking clean, tidy and minimalistic.

The Home Gym

There is not surprise that many spare rooms are used and converted into home gyms. At this time of year especially it can be on the mind of many, as resolutions are made to get fitter and healthier throughout the year. It can give you the ideal place to workout and exercise, without the fear and investment of a gym membership. It can be the easier option, and could even add value to your home.

The Office

Finally, do you work from home? Do you have your own business? Do you simply want a place for the computer, your paperwork and every wire that you have in your home? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, then the spare room could be used as a home office. It is ideal to have a dedicated area to work from if you do work from home or run your own business. It’s also typical for households to have a lot of paperwork with bills and contracts, and most houses now have a computer or laptop. Having a place for them makes things neat and tidy, and also can make you accountable for getting things done in the space.

Let’s hope this has given you some inspiration on how you can use a spare room in your home.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).