Home Appliances and Furniture Worth Spending More On

Home Appliances and Furniture Worth Spending More On

The following contribution is from another author.

Home appliances and furniture can be expensive. As much as we’d love to kit out our homes with all of the most modern appliances and the trendiest furniture (shopping antique stores, designer shops and retail parks with wild abandon), unfortunately, most of us can’t afford to. Instead, we try to find ways to save money. We fill our homes with the best of the flatpack world. We pick up bargains where we can, and we try to make cheaper pieces our own with clever upcycling and cool designs. Our homes are unique and trendy, they are filled with our personalities, and we love them.

But, will they last? Of course, flatpack can be fantastic. It can be long lasting and look fantastic. But, one thing it will never be is unique. Buying second hand and budget appliances is also a great way to keep costs down, but will they last the test of time? Or will all these cheaper purchases end up costing you much more over the next few years as they face the need for constant repairs and eventually replacements?

Well, the truth of the matter is that it depends. Some things, you can absolutely buy on a budget. They’re cheap, they might not last for years and years, but they are easy to replace, and even more expensive versions probably wouldn’t last much longer. Other things, you might want to consider spending more on. Here’s a look at some of the furniture and appliances that you might want to consider spending a bit more on.

Your Vacuum Cleaner

You need a vacuum cleaner. But, choosing one can be a minefield with so many on the market. The quietest vacuum cleaners are designed to absorb vibrations and reduce noise, some combat pet hairs or bad smells. Others are wireless or lightweight. Then there’s the question of bagged or bagless. There’s a lot to think about. But, cheap vacuums generally don’t last. This is an appliance that is going to get a lot of use, especially if you’ve got kids, pets or messy hobbies. A cheap vacuum will need repairing within a few months, and may not last for long after that. Buying a better quality model could mean that it lasts for years, even with regular use. Just make sure you clean and change filters regularly.

Sofas and Seating

Your sofa probably gets a lot of use too. It’s where we relax and unwind. It’s where we stretch our legs and get comfy at the end of a long day. It’s also where we curl up under a duvet when we’re not feeling our best. It’s worth investing in a well-made and comfortable living room sofa that will last for a long time and support your back and legs as you sit or lie down.

It’s also worth investing in a piece that stands out. A quality sofa can be a great focal point in your room. It can be a feature, that draws the eye and attracts attention. It can set the tone for your whole room, so think about it carefully.

Your other seating might not be as important unless you want a focus armchair or another statement piece. But, it should still be comfortable and supportive, not cheap and nasty.

The Washing Machine

Much like your vacuum, your washing machine will get a lot more use if you’ve got kids or pets. Buying your own works out cheaper than taking all of your laundry to a laundromat, and purchasing a good model that will last can be even more cost effective.

A modern and high-quality washing machine can also save you money, by weighing your washing and only every using the amount of water, power and detergent that you need to get your clothes clean. It saves money and is great for the environment.

Your Bed

Like your sofa, your bed can be the focus of your room. It can welcome you in and get you in the mood to sleep. Your bed sets the tone of your bedroom. But, only if you love it.

Start with the bed. Think about what storage you need and how much space you’ve got. There are advantages to having a bigger than average bed, but only if you’ve got the space for it and you aren’t making your bedroom small and uncomfortable. Invest in something sturdy that will last the test of time.

The most critical bedroom investment, however, has to be your mattress. It should be firm, and yet comfortable. It should support your back, but still be easy to get in and out of. Most mattresses should be changed every eight years. A poor mattress can lead to bad posture, a lack of sleep and other aches and pains. It could even cause illness and allergy flare ups, so take the time to get it right.

When it comes to bedding, soft colors can help you to sleep, and the material should be soft and comfortable. Spending more might mean it lasts longer, but as long as you like the design and it’s soft on your skin, this isn’t an essential investment.

Smart Tech

Smart technology can make your home interactive. It can keep it safe, and it can save you money. When updating your home, it’s always a good idea to look at smart options. Some great places to start include a home hub, a smart thermostat, smart light bulbs and a smart security system.


When it comes to your fridge, somewhere in the middle of the price range is probably best, and what you get should depend on your own needs as well as the space that you have available. Top of the range fridges have plenty of extra storage compartments and spaces, they give you a tremendous amount of information on their contents, and they can talk to your home hub and online shopping list, which is all great, but not necessary if you can’t afford it. However, aiming for somewhere above budget can mean that your fridge lasts longer, works better and is much more energy efficient.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).