It’s Time to Declare War on Clutter

It’s Time to Declare War on Clutter

The following contribution is from another author.

Have you begun to notice that your home just doesn’t, well, feel like home anymore? Your home should be your sanctuary after a long hard day at work or an exhausting night of play. It should be where you go to kick off your shoes, let down your hair and be well and truly yourself. But no matter how much you need to relax, there’s something about your home that’s preventing you from being able to switch off. Is it your preoccupation with work? Is it your money worries? Is it all the things left unsaid between you and your significant other? Possibly. But there’s one thing in your home that could be exacerbating matters and keeping you from the rest you need.

It’s weighing heavier on your mind than you think, and whether you’re aware of kit or not, it’s taking over your home at the expense of your health. We’re talking, of course, about clutter…

Wait, is clutter really that serious?

We can often underestimate just how much of a toll clutter can take on our health, but it can be surprisingly detrimental to our health in a number of ways. It can be at best a visual distraction, and at worst prevent us from achieving a state of restfulness in the home. If you work from home, it can also wreak havoc on your productivity. Whether we’re aware of it or not, clutter can cause our stress levels to slowly build, preventing us from sleeping and potentially compromising our immune systems and ;leaving us vulnerable to a range of health problems including increased risk of heart problems and even some cancers.  

If you don’t have anywhere to put certain bulky or older items you can’t throw away, using a unit from somewhere like SecureSpace Self Storage. But in the meantime, you’ve got a lot of work to do!If your possessions have started to become clutter, but you don’t want to have a cull of your belongings, the solution is to rethink your home storage.

Take it outside

In an era where we treat shopping as a leisure activity, we can quickly find ourselves with more belongings than we know what to do with. As such, the home can quickly become consumed by possessions. If you want to free up more space, but don’t want to part with your belongings, how about taking them outside? 

Invest in a carport with storage or free up some space in the garage. How much you come back to get these belongings will also demonstrate to you how much you really need or want them.

Squeeze every square inch out of your kitchen space

You love cooking, but the thought of making dinner in your over-cluttered kitchen is becoming an increasingly stressful proposition. The cooking ingredients and kitchen utensils are bursting out of your cabinets and taking over your countertops. 

Invest in some storage solutions that will help you to make the most out of the storage space available to you. You don’t have to spend a fortune on renovating your kitchen. Many efficient storage solutions just slot right into your cupboards and drawers.

Not using it? Vac pack it!

Finally, clothes can absolutely consume storage space. If you have clothes hanging in your wardrobe that you haven’t worn in years, it may be time to consign them to storage in the garage or attic. Use a vac pack kit to reduce the size of your clothes and make it easier to store them. 

With a little imagination and prudent investment, you can liberate your home from harmful clutter! 


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

1 comment

  • If your possessions have started to become clutter, but you don’t want to have a cull of your belongings, the solution is to rethink your home storage.

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