A Step by Step Guide to Growing Microgreens

A Step by Step Guide to Growing Microgreens

The following contribution is from another author.

Microgreens are a great way to consume all of the nutrients you need in your diet. The definition of a microgreen is simple: it is any fledgling plant which is less than 14 days old, and it is a type of plant which is commonly used for salads and soups and as a nutritious snack. 

The reason microgreens are so healthy is because they are so small. All of the goodness you might find in a fully grown plan is condensed in a smaller space, and this allows us to consume more of the goodness than we would when eating regular fruit and vegetables. 

If you are looking for a way to be healthier this year, we are here to talk today about how you can grow your own microgreens today. Growing microgreens at home is simple and in no time you’ll have a nutritious treat to enjoy. 

Find a south facing window 

Plants grow and live via photosynthesis, and if you are looking to encourage germination and steady growth of your microgreens, placing them near a south facing window is a good choice. If you don’t have many south facing windows in your home, you can also buy a grow light which will allow you to create an optimal growth environment for your plants. 

Use rich organic soil

In order to give your microgreens the best chance to grow, it is important that you use great quality potting soil. Organic soil is ideal because it contains many nutrients which can be sucked up by the plants, which is turn will give you more nutritional value when you consume the greens. 

Scatter seeds on top of soil

When growing microgreens, it is important to remember that they will only get about 1-2 inches tall, and often the seed you use for your microgreens will be tiny. The general rule for planting any seeds is the smaller they are, the less soil you should cover them with. The easiest way to get rapid growth from your seeds is to scatter them on top of your soil and then sprinkle a very thin layer on top, which will allow them to germinate within days. 

Water and keep moist 

Once you have scattered and covered your seeds, you need to water the seeds to kickstart the germination process. Water the soil thoroughly, and to speed up the germination process you can also consider placing some clingfilm loosely over the planting tray to keep it moist and warm. After a few days the seeds will have germinated and you can take off the clingfilm and keep the plants moist. 


After 2-3 weeks of growth, your microgreens should be a couple of inches tall and will be ready for you to harvest. It is time for you to take your microgreens out of the soil, rinse them, and store them in the fridge to keep them fresh. Now you can sprinkle these on salads and soups, blend into smoothies, or simply eat for a quick nutrient boost. 


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

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