Are Your Energy Bills Burning a Hole In Your Pocket?

Are Your Energy Bills Burning a Hole In Your Pocket?

The following contribution is from another author.

Fueling the home, from the lights to the heating to keep you cool in the summer, is crucial. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to be paying as much as you might be right now. If you feel like your energy bills have been getting higher and higher, it might be time to look at what some of the causes might be.

The vampires hiding in your home

We’re not talking about the bloodsucking kind, but these can be almost as worrying. Vampire energy (also called phantom energy) is the term used for energy that’s getting used up by appliances that are left plugged in. If you’re not using a device, it’s still taking energy when it’s plugged in, even if it’s something as simple as a smartphone charger. Vampire energy is commonly touted as one of the most frequent sources of lost energy in the home. All you have to do is change your habits a little and you could see a real difference in your bill. For an even bigger difference, check the best electricity rates in houston.

Your hacking, coughing HVAC

A poorly maintained HVAC system with old air filters and dirty vents are going to be significantly less efficient than it should be. However, even if you have taken good care of your air conditioner and ventilation, there comes a time that they’re going to start losing efficiency bit by bit. You need to ask: is it time to upgrade your HVAC unit? Not only could your older unit be past its best days, but modern systems tend to be a lot more efficient by design, regardless. Worth taking a look at the market to see what’s available.

Don’t forget the other appliances

If you have a newer HVAC, or it’s not really that old and would be expensive to replace, then other devices and appliances might be much more affordable to exchange. From your oven to your fridge to house fans to the TV, there is a wide range of appliances that you could switch out for newer, more energy-efficient models to cut your fuel bills right down. Of course, if one of those appliances is acting up, it may be more cost-effective to simply repair it, so try troubleshooting first to see what the problem is.

You’re leaking all over

We’re not talking about water leaks, but air leaks. During the summer and winter, your energy bills will go up predominantly because of your need to heat and cool the house. However, if you have air leaks you haven’t plugged up, those bills will go up even further. Take a look at the doors and windows to make sure they’re not letting air escape, and make sure you have the roof inspected at least once a year. If a tile comes away or cracks, not only can it mean higher energy bills, but it could start letting the rain and wind spread damp and mold through the loft.

Lastly, consider looking at how you get the energy supply for your home. For instance, switching from oil to natural gas might come with an initial cost you have to deal with, but it could end up being a lot more efficient in the end.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).