Smart Summer Maintenance Checklist

Smart Summer Maintenance Checklist

The following contribution is from another author.

Summer is the ideal time to get off the sofa and check off some cleaning and home maintenance. Failing to keep up with home repairs can end up costing you in the future. Here’s how to do it in the smart way. 

Smart Washing

Consider upgrading your washing machine and other fittings to “smart” appliances. More modern appliances are more energy-efficient and the best thing is that the majority of them can be programmed remotely from your smartphone or other devices.  You can control all of these from a single app. Set up your rotary washing line outside and make the most of the good weather to dry your clothes. Save on your energy bills and move everything outside. Switch off heated driers and fans. Let nature do the work for you. 

Look For Leaks

Speaking of staying dry, the warmer months are a good time to check for leaks. Investigate any patches of mold you’ve seen developing around the house and the basement. If you’ve got a leak below the house here are some tips on how to keep your basement dry. Inspect all faucets and hoses carefully as well. An undiscovered leak could cost you hundreds in your water bill. 

Use Your Yard

If you’ve been neglecting your yard, now is the time to edge those flower beds. Using an edging technique to get a neat line, and a lip to collect mulch. There are several video tutorials online to help you. This will help you to grow nice summer crops and flowers. Once you’ve got the beds prepared you can start planting. Make a more raised bed by loosening the soil with a hoe as you want fluffy soil. Cover planted seeds with mulch and avoid walking on the beds. This will keep them protected. Ensure they are thoroughly watered with a hose or sprinkler. This will be better for your grass as well. 

Get Back In The Garage

Get back into the garage and clean up your tools to get them ready for all your tinkering projects. It’s actually really important to keep them clean to prevent the spread of bacteria and rust. Sharpen them as well as this will give them better performance. Some of them will also need oiling or WD40 applying. Make sure larger garages are well lit by installing the best garage lights. Now you’re ready to start on those DIY plans you’ve been meaning to get on with.

Outdoor Cooking

Now that the weather is nice you can enjoy a BBQ outside with your family, but have you seen the state of your outdoor cooker since last year? If you’ve not got round to cleaning it yet don’t worry. Leave the gas grill on with the lid closed for about 30 minutes, then brush off any grease with a grill brush. Give the exterior a good wipe down as well. Now you’re ready to brush up those BBQ skills as well. Have a look online for some more tips and tricks


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).