Smart Tips for Reducing Waste at Home

Smart Tips for Reducing Waste at Home

The following contribution is from another author.

You can produce a lot of waste at home. Every day, you use lots of different products that result in things that you need to throw away. If you think that your levels of waste are too high, you can cut down on how much you produce. You might not become one of those people who only fill a single mason jar with waste each year, but you can avoid throwing away a lot of different things. You can reduce the amount of food waste that you produce, how much packaging you throw away, and more. There are several techniques that you might use to reduce waste at home and live a greener lifestyle.

Buy Less Packaging

When you buy groceries and other items, you can often find yourself with a lot of packaging. Plastic wraps, bottles, boxes, and more can all end up going in the garbage. A lot of the time, all of this packaging just isn’t necessary. There are other options that allow you to buy what you need without all of the packaging. Some brands make an effort to use as little packaging as possible. Another option is to look for products that have packaging that you can recycle.

It’s also possible to avoid packaging altogether in some circumstances. Look for zero waste stores where you can fill up jars and other storage containers with the products that you want. Everything is sold based on weight, and it also allows you to buy exactly what you need, which helps you to reduce your waste even more.

Cut Down on Food Waste

Food waste is a huge problem and one that many people find difficult to deal with. Even if you intend to use up everything that you buy, it can end up going bad before you have the chance to. The first way to reduce food waste is by planning your meals carefully. When you plan your meals, you can make sure you only buy what you need and know what you’re doing with all of the things that you buy. You can also cut down on food waste by making use of leftovers and by turning food scraps into compost instead of throwing them away.

Dispose of Electronics Responsibly

One of the trickiest things to deal with is electronic items. You might be unsure about what to do with them, and end up throwing them away or just leaving them to collect dust. There are some electronics recycling options that you can consider to avoid disposing of electronics unnecessarily. Not only can you prevent electronics from going to landfill, but you could also earn money by recycling your items. Lots of companies will pay you for your electronics, including phones, computers, televisions and more. They get recycled, either through being refurbished and sold or by breaking them down into parts. Premier Surplus is a great option for this.

Sort Your Waste

Separating different types of waste enables you to send things to the right place. Some things might need to go into your general waste, but other items can be recycled or reused in different ways. If you don’t have a local collection service for recycling, you can find your nearest recycling plant where you can drop things off. When you’re recycling, make sure you know what you can recycle and how you need to separate things so that they go to the right place.

Use Less Paper

In a digital world, we don’t need to use anywhere near as much paper as we once had to. It’s now much easier to do without a lot of paper in your life, including bills and other important communications. Instead of receiving things in the mail, you can request things like bills or bank statements to be online-only. You can look at them on a computer screen and save a copy if you need to, instead of having them sent to you and often thrown away when you no longer need them.

Choose Reusable Products

Disposable, single-use items can produce a lot of use. But there are often reusable alternatives that can help you to reduce your waste. Reusable diapers offer a natural alternative to disposables. Reusable pads or menstrual cups can replace single-use pads and tampons. Washcloths can be used again and again, instead of using disposable wipes. Some reusable products can last a lifetime, and in that time, you could prevent a whole lot of waste.

Start reducing waste at home by changing how you approach what you buy and what you choose to throw away.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


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