Keep Your New Home in Fighting-Fit Condition From Week One

Keep Your New Home in Fighting-Fit Condition From Week One

The following contribution is from another author.

When moving into a new home, many of us are quite guilty of dragging our feet and waiting until we get ‘set up’ properly. Of course, no one could or should blame you for wishing to rest after such a journey, and we certainly can’t establish an entire household with no stone unturned in the first week, let alone the first day.

However, it’s also true that sometimes, over time, we can find ourselves laying back and avoiding the work that has to be done. This might mean we begin to live out of a suitcase for a time until we get settled, or we seem to have storage boxes, dutifully packed and moved by SMARTBOX Solutions, Inc., that seem to be hanging around in our garage for too long.

For this reason, it can be good to consider a few techniques to help you get your home fighting-fit from week one, establishing little efforts that really do make the most of this beautiful new area in which you find yourself. In this guide, we’re going to discuss some of those efforts, what they mean, and how they can help:

Tend To The Garden

Tend to the garden if you get time. This might mean inspecting the treeline for rot and then using a tree surgeon if you find any issues or inconsistencies. You may decide to simply weed the garden, or to make sure that the front patio is cleaned and power washed despite the somewhat inconsistent maintenance efforts of the prior owner. Little efforts like this can help your home shine while also helping you feel pride in your new green space.

Install Your Smart Devices

Hooking up your smart devices can help your home serve you more conveniently. This might simply mean installing your home assistant, motion sensitive lights, or internet connections and home media centres. These are the components that truly help a house feel like a home, and they help you avoid ‘going without’ until you have the time to set these little additions up. This approach can truly make the best of things going forward – so don’t hasten to have a little fun with it, even if that means taking some time to mount your television in the perfect place.

Curate The Kitchen

Curating your home kitchen space can work wonders. Putting up your spice rack can help you gain a little sense of authorship over the space, as can filling the drawers and cupboards with your cutlery and kitchen equipment. You can also use this time for the most crowning achievement possible – choosing which drawer will become ‘the drawer’ you use to store all of your old pieces of weird possessions that you never really have a use for. We all have it. When you have it, you have claimed your home as if planting a flag. If you do nothing else in this list, we recommend you do this.

With this advice, we hope you can keep your new home fighting fit from week one. Odds are, you’ll love the effort.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).