The Unexpected But Positive Side Effects of Decluttering Your Home

The Unexpected But Positive Side Effects of Decluttering Your Home

The following contribution is from another author.

Have you ever built up so much clutter that it’s been difficult to move around your house? Perhaps you’ve got a few too many electronics or maybe you like to hoard boxes for your electronics. Whatever the case may be, clutter is definitely one of the top household enemies and it’s important to learn how to get rid of it.

We all know that there are some very clear benefits when it comes to dealing with clutter, but there are also some unexpected side effects that can actually be a huge benefit to us as well. So in this post, we’re going to share some of the not-so-obvious benefits of decluttering your home to further convince you that you really need to start cleaning up!

Decluttering your home can actually lead to improved WiFi signals around the home

Decluttering can actually help improve your internet speeds especially if you’re heavily reliant on WiFi. This is because there are a huge number of things that block WiFi signals. There are unavoidable obstacles such as drywall, but furniture and bulky items like shelves full of books can actually hinder WiFi signals as well.

This can be problematic if you only have a central router in the entire home that offers WiFi to every corner of the house. If you want a clearer signal, then you can save money by skipping over the WiFi upgrade by decluttering your home instead.

You’re less likely to develop a pest problem

Pests love digging through trash to find food. If you’ve got a pest problem then they’ll make themselves home in every nook and cranny that you offer them. Getting rid of food sources and patching up entrances to your home is a great way to get rid of pests.

But if you combine a pest problem with endless amounts of clutter, then you’ll need to contact pest control services to help you overcome the problem. Don’t let a pest issue get out of hand–deal with your clutter so that you have an easier time keeping pests away from your home.

Less likely to move in the future

There are a surprising number of clutter-related issues that eventually lead to reasons for wanting to move home. For example, not having enough space is a good reason for moving to a larger home. There are also some people that say they don’t like how static and boring their home feels, hence why they want to move.

However, if you declutter your home on a regular basis, then you’ll find that it not only clears up a lot of potential storage space, but it also makes it a lot easier to renovate your home and change the decor to make it feel fresh again.

It motivates you to clean your home more often

The task of cleaning your home can take a long time if you have a lot of clutter. Cleaning multiple bookshelves full of junk or dusting lots of little trinkets can take a really long time. It’s also a pain to move around the entire house dusting things and moving furniture just to reach specific areas. By decluttering your home, you’ll have a lot less to clean which makes it a much quicker process.

But in addition to spending less time on cleaning, you’ll actually be more motivated to clean in the first place. In other words, decluttering your home can set off a chain reaction that makes you more likely to keep your home in great condition. Instead of dreading a spring clean because it takes too long, your seasonal cleans will be much quicker which means you’ll be more motivated to do them.

You’ll be more likely to invite guests over

A lot of people avoid inviting guests around because their house is messy or their exterior isn’t very welcoming. By decluttering your home, you’ll start to feel more confident about how your house looks and will be more willing to invite guests around. If you’ve always wanted to invite guests around and serve them dinner and show them a good time, then decluttering your home will be a great way to get started.

Decluttering your home makes it a lot more comfortable for your guests and they’re also more likely to visit again in the future. They’ll feel more welcome when they enter your home and it’ll be easier to get them to stay longer or even stay the night if you want to keep the party going.

Moving home becomes a lot less stressful

There are plenty of benefits when it comes to decluttering your home and moving to a new location. Declutter allows you to get rid of unnecessary things that you don’t really need. This results in fewer personal possessions, lighter boxes when you move, and also makes you keener to explore different types of properties. When most people move, they need to carry a lot of luggage with them, they need multiple trips back and forth to move all of their stuff, and the logistics of moving can get very expensive and complicated.

A great solution for this is to simply declutter your home. You’ll find that you can get by with having fewer possessions, and it’ll make the moving process a whole lot easier.

You can make a bit of money from selling unwanted items

Decluttering is a great way to uncover lots of little treasures hiding away in your home. For example, you might find really old comics that are worth selling, electronics that can still fetch a decent price or even antiques that could fetch a fair price from the right seller. Selling your goods like this can be daunting if you’ve never used a website such as eBay, but it’s surprisingly simple to get started and you could make a considerable amount of money just selling clutter.

This is a great way to make a bit of money while you clean up, making it a fantastic source of motivation. Even if you don’t want to sell your collectables such as vintage comic books, decluttering can be a good way to find them again so that you can keep them organized.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).