Important Things To Pay Attention To When Cleaning Home Appliances

Important Things To Pay Attention To When Cleaning Home Appliances

Our house is the place where we spend most of our time, therefore, we have to make sure everything looks and feels lovely. Yes, you can have amazing furniture, stylish décor, breathtaking ornaments, but these things are not going to leave a great first impression if your home appliances are dirty.

Cleaning them can be quite exhausting, and above everything boring, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Fortunately, you do not have to be any experts to clean these things. Even if you perceive this activity as an awful task, with proper instructions you’ll do just fine.

Where you can find them? Precisely here! We wanted to help you out by rounding up some beneficial tips and tricks that will help you make sure everything looks impeccable! Want to reveal them? Scroll below!

Top Instructions For How To Clean Home Appliances

Tips To Clean A Refrigerator

Having a lovely, clean refrigerator is truly something else. It can drastically enhance your kitchen. A nice, clean refrigerator isn’t only a sight for sore eyes, but also a true delicacy for our sense of smell.

Why is that? Well, it’s because it’s no longer filled with awful smells of expired food or unsightly clutter. So, if everything we’ve said sounds amazing to you, here’s how you can clean this appliance.

  • Coming together equal amounts of vinegar and water and place them in a spray bottle. Put this cleaner in your fridge and make sure to label it.
  • Spray and eliminate spills as soon as they appear.

It would be recommendable if you did this on a regular basis and had a solid in-depth cleaning as frequently as you can. Remove shelves and drawers to clean every single hidden surface, as well as the door gasket. If you’re having problems with the gasket, you can have that seal replaced. You may find problems with the commercial refrigerator door gaskets that can cause the door to not seal properly, which will make the inside of the fridge warmer than usual.

How To Clean A Furnace

It doesn’t matter what type of system you own, you shouldn’t neglect this appliance and wait for something bad to occur in order to do something about it. If you regularly maintain it, you are going to save a plethora of money on fuel and extend the life of your furnace. 

Now, before you start cleaning it, ensure to see whether you need to replace a furnace filter. If that’s the case, bear in mind that a lot of people encounter size problems when it comes to it. If you are not sure how to determine the right size filter, either find that information online or consult with someone who is familiar with it.

Speaking of the furnace, you have to make sure this appliance is clean before the cold fall nights arrive. Make sure to schedule an appointment for the annual furnace maintenance. If you want to do it by yourself, ensure to turn off the fuel supply and electrical power. 

Then you should check to see whether there are any holes in the exhaust flue that could potentially release carbon monoxide. If you are able, replace both air and oil filters and clean floor vents.

What Else Can You Clean?

The Extractor Fan

Although this is something that people often overlook when they are cleaning their appliances, you have to make sure you do not neglect it. Before we proceed, it’s worth mentioning that fan filters must be removed and then cleaned every now and then (approximately every couple of months) to make sure they are working properly.

Why is this so important? Well, it’s because if you do not do so, they are going to get clogged with grease very quickly. So what are you supposed to do?

  • Follow the instructions made precisely for your appliance to properly remove the filters and then put them in the lukewarm soapy water for at least ten minutes before you start cleaning it with a non-abrasive brush.
  • Do not replace these filters until they are completely dry

How To Clean A Computer

Just like your home, or car, your computer also needs a solid cleaning every now and then. It’s of huge importance if you want to avoid overheating and dust build-up. Cleaning your computer is actually pretty easy and doesn’t take more than twenty minutes. So how can you do it?

Turn off your device and unplug it from the surge protector or electrical outlet, then open its case. By employing compressed air, dust the components that are placed inside with short bursts of air.

Make sure you are a few inches away from the surface of the processor, motherboard, memory, etc. Eliminate the dust that has piled up on your case fans by using a can of compressed air. If you want to get rid of thermal grease, then do it by moistening a cloth with 99% isopropyl alcohol.

A clean house is a happy house and no one can deny it. Of course, we didn’t have enough time and space to provide you with all the necessary instructions, but we do hope that those that we’ve written are going to be useful.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).