6 Benefits of Installing an Automatic Door Opener at Your Store

6 Benefits of Installing an Automatic Door Opener at Your Store

The following contribution is from another author.

Having the right kind of door at the store entrance can mean the difference between succeeding and failing. Lately, automatic doors have become increasingly popular, and for a good reason. They can make your store look classier, become more accessible, draw customers, and even save you some money on overhead costs.

Many store owners wrongly feel that they’re too expensive, complicated to install, and pricey to maintain. However, the benefits greatly outweigh the downsides. Below are some of the main reasons why you should install automatic doors at your store.

1) Energy Saving

Although it may not appear so, the automatic door openers are great energy savers. One of the reasons some business owners choose manual doors is that they believe they will decrease their electrical bills. Nevertheless, they demand more energy. If we know that they can often stay open for a couple of minutes, it’s easy to understand how difficult it can be to maintain a stable inside temperature.

On the other hand, the automatic doors are open only for as long as it takes for customers to enter the store. This makes keeping the indoor temperature easier and leads to less need for air conditioning.

2) Improved Accessibility

A lot of people entering your store will carry bags and other stuff in their hands. With hands full, opening manual doors can be very difficult. Plus, there are older or disabled people who may struggle with using the manual doors. Automatic doors make all these problems go away. They will make the entrance to your store easy and hassle-free, improving the customer experience.

3) Adding Authenticity to Your Business

Automatic doors will also make your store stand out among the competitors. It may be the thing that convinces the customer to choose your business among others that may offer the same products or service. The opening of the automatic doors every time someone walks by will surely grab people’s attention and make them turn their heads towards your store.

4) A Good Fit with Every Design

No matter how your store is designed, the automatic doors will fit right in. Furthermore, it will give your business a professional, upper-level, and elegant look. The perception of your store in the customers’ eyes will be the one of authority and class. The best stores selling automatic doors are always ready to help you find the quality door that will fit your business’s overall style. You can learn more here.

5) Easy to Integrate with Other Technologies

You can easily beef up your store security by integrating automatic door openers with other safety measures such as alarm systems. In addition, it also increases the security of customers already inside the store. If there’s an emergency, the doors will automatically open, ensuring that everyone inside can easily get to safety.

6) Low Maintenance Costs

Besides saving on the energy bill, an automatic door opener will also save you money on maintenance costs. When installed by a professional and regularly maintained, the automatic doors should serve you for a long time with a minimal investment. Unlike manual doors, there is less possibility of banging and improper use, so the potential need for repairs is minimized.

As you can see, the installment of the automatic door can be extremely beneficial to your business. All you have to do is do some research and find a certified and professional store to purchase and install your doors.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).