First Jobs to Do When Moving Into a New Home

First Jobs to Do When Moving Into a New Home

The following contribution is from another author.

When moving into a new home there is a lot to consider and you always want to make it as easy as possible. However, it is easy to get hung up on the build-up to the move and not actually consider the steps that are needed once you get handed the keys. It is those tasks once you are in your new home that makes the biggest difference. 

Learning about your new home, how it functions, and deciding what projects you will be taking on is all part of your job as a new homeowner. It will make your journey and life a lot easier to make a plan and starting immediately than deciding to leave it for another day. 

By making a few minutes within your day you will be able to get the most important jobs done and ease your stress later on and get to the stage of being able to sit back and relax in your new home. 

Complete A Walk Through

When the house is empty before the box start piling up, take the opportunity to complete a walkthrough of your new home. It is important to ensure that pre-agreed repairs have been carried out, everything is present that was agreed within the sale and everything is in working order such as lights, switches, heating, and appliances. If these agreed elements haven’t been met now is the time to speak with your realtor, however, if any issues arise that weren’t in your contract they are now your responsibilities. It is worth noting down what responsibilities you will be taking on so you will be able to find suitable repairmen, heating engineers, and propane companies that you will be able to rely on later on. 

Decide What Belongs Where

You will be able to save yourself a lot of time and extra moving, if before you start unloading boxed you decide where everything will be going rather than just winging it. This is even more beneficial when moving larger heavy items as you will be able to place them in their new homes immediately, saving yourself the need to move them again and again. Of course, you can always move them and make changes at a later time, but if you can decide this in advance you could save yourself extra jobs and heavy lifting. 

Deep Clean

Although deep cleaning your new home is most likely the last thing on your mind, doing it before you are fully unpacked is the perfect time. You may choose to do this yourself or call in the professionals, however it makes sense to clean all of those hard to reach areas now before furniture and household items get in the way and make it more difficult. The same does for any carpets, whilst the rooms are empty it makes sense to get the carpets cleaned, moving any dirt ingrained in the fibre by the previous owners and making the home fresh, clean and ready for you to make your mark on it. 


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).