Awareness of What a Smart Home Is Is Changing Rapidly

Awareness of What a Smart Home Is Is Changing Rapidly

What is a smart home?

A smart home can be defined as a home wherein appliances and devices can be automatically controlled or dictated to using voice controlled from within the house. This is done through an internet connection that links and operates all the devices. Smart homes are gaining popularity because of the convenience and ease they provide for families and all those who live in the house. This is also further proof of the role and impact of technology in our lives, as it is evidently playing an integral part in our daily operations. Although some might argue that smart technology and homes promote a level of laziness, that is not entirely true. Much like any other tech product or service, it is about perspective and how you choose to use something. That being said, there are many benefits of a smart home, some of which have been outlined below:

Interconnectivity and remote monitoring

A smart home means that your smart devices are connected wirelessly which can improve overall efficiency through creating integrated systems. Moreover, because it allows for remote monitoring and control, this allows for real-time check-ins and system maintenance. This also means an added layer of security as you can immediately pick up from wherever you are in the home if something has been tampered with. This provides an added level of comfort.


Given that the system can be set up according to your needs and preferences, this means that it will meet your expectations. For example, a smart thermostat may adjust to your home’s preferred temperature, as outlined by you, while your audio system could set compile playlists based on your most listened to songs or your preferences.

Leak detection and flood sensors

Smart homes can also have these features integrated into their systems, which reduces the risk of your home being completely damaged as a result of a leak or flood, or other possible household risks. This is because you can receive real-time alerts on your phone should there be an indication of such, which can save you a considerable amount if remedied and attended to early enough.

The shift towards smart homes

With the above in mind, it is no wonder that more and more people around the world are looking into what it means to have a smart home. According to reports on the matter, the top three areas of interest in smart homes were noted as children/education, gardening and household. Regardless of which area of interest you are most invested in, it is no secret that adopting a smart home and setting one up can be a costly exercise. However, an integrated system can also present some income-generating opportunities. With an internet connection being the foundation of a smart home, this means that one can also explore online options of making money through the smart home set up. Therefore, if you are a forex trader who understands the potential benefits of currency trading with US Dollars, which is the most popularly traded currency, then you will appreciate the option of being able to receive real-time updates on the financial markets from anywhere in your home.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

1 comment

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