Tips on Achieving a Stress-Free Move

Tips on Achieving a Stress-Free Move

The following contribution is from another author.

Moving home can be one of the most stressful experiences in your life. Whether you are downsizing, or moving into a family home, or moving out after a divorce, moving home piles on the pressure. However, it doesn’t need to be so stressful. There are various measures you can put in place that can help reduce stress and make the experience as painless as possible. All it takes is some forethought and planning. To help get you thinking, here are a few ideas to get you started:


When you first know that you are going to be moving before you make any plans, you need to have a thorough declutter. Get rid of everything that is rubbish, broken of no use anymore. You need to be a ruthless as you can be. Perhaps you can sell some items online, or maybe you need to go to the dump a few times. It doesn’t matter; you really do not want to be hauling unnecessary stuff across the country and filling up your new start with junk. This is especially important if you are downsizing. If you know a lot of stuff has to go, but are having difficulty letting go of certain things, perhaps using a self storage unit could help with the transition. 

The Removals Firm

If you want a smooth move on your preferred day, you need to book the removals firm as early as possible. When it comes to removals firms, it may be an idea to take referrals or to conduct some research. Look at reviews and testimonials online and ensure you actually speak to the company so you can gather you may attend to your own personal requirements the best. Get a few quotes, too and go from here. Once you have a solid date, you have something to aim towards.

Moving Home Checklist

Moving home means you have to make a lot of arrangements. You need to cancel utilities and other bills. You’ll need to redirect the post and change addresses at the bank, among other places. You may also need to do a few DIY maintenance on the house you are in, whether you are selling or moving out of a rental and want your deposit back. So it is probably a good idea to download a moving home checklist and add to it everything else that is personal to you. By doing this, you can start ticking things off. By seeing your progress is going well, it will help reduce stress.

Start Packing

The earlier you can start this process the better. You are going to want to go through drawers and cupboards and ensure that anything delicate and fragile is wrapped correctly and labeled, so the removal firm is aware those boxes need extra care. Start with the non-essential things you can live without for a few weeks and build up from there. Avoid overpacking boxes as this can cause stacking issues. You will probably also want to label the boxes with the room it is needed to go in to too. 


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).