Useful Tips On How to Properly Maintain Your Dishwasher

Useful Tips On How to Properly Maintain Your Dishwasher

Dishwashers are tricky machines that need to be properly maintained in order to work well. There is much more to know about dishwasher maintenance than just throwing in the soap and turning it on, which many people do not realize until they experience problems with their machine. 

Do you enjoy having spotless dishes at the end of each day? Are you someone who has to do kitchen chores after every meal that your family eats together? If so, then taking good care of your dishwasher is extremely important. After all, if it doesn’t work efficiently, then you may have to spend a lot of time cleaning your dishes by hand. Here are a few tips that will help you take good care of your dishwasher and get the most out of it.

Don’t overload the dishwasher

Placing too many dishes in your dishwasher can result in poor cleaning performance. Make sure you only put in as many dishes as it’s designed to hold so that all areas are properly cleaned. If you have too many dishes, it can also result in dishes not being adequately dried. Knowing about the model of the washer you own can also be beneficial, so if you lost your user manual look up a good review on It is an awesome source of information with available reviews on different topics about home appliances and how to use them, especially dishwasher-related and what you should pay attention to as a regular user. 

If you have very large plates like pots and pans, make sure to place them on the lower rack. This will allow room for items like glasses, cups, and silverware to be placed on the top rack. Also, make sure that all dishes are facing in an upright position so they’re not touching each other (especially glasses and cups), and are turned upside down, this will allow water to properly flow through the items. Materials like plastic should be avoided, and fine details like hand-crafted mugs will probably lose their images after one or two rounds in the washer due to temperature. 

Clean the dishwasher’s filter

If your dishwasher has a filter, then you’ll need to make sure that it’s cleaned every month or so with a soft brush and either soap and water or white vinegar (depending on the type of filter, some types require vinegar). A blocked filter can result in reduced water flow and in turn, affect the machine’s cleaning performance. So, to avoid all of that and ensure that your dishwasher does a good job, make sure you regularly check and clean the filter.

If you notice food or dirt build-up around where your dishes are placed in your dishwasher, then it may be time for you to clean it. You can use a soft brush to loosen up stuck-on dirt and wipe down the inside of your dishwasher with soapy water using a sponge or rag. It’s important that you do this at least once every 1-2 months, depending on how often your dishwasher is used.

Don’t use chlorine bleach

Using chlorine bleach in your dishwasher can result in harmful fumes. If mixed with ammonia, chlorine bleach and ammonia can cause toxic gases to be released into the air that can irritate people’s eyes and lungs. It’s also very corrosive and over time it will corrode the metal interior of your dishwasher. So, if you choose to use a dishwasher cleaning product, make sure that it is phosphate-free and safe for your dishwasher.

Use the right amount of detergent Some people use more soap than what their dishwasher can handle which produces suds in the machine. This is not only wasteful but it can result in a build-up on dishes (which contributes to poor cleaning performance). So, make sure you only use the recommended amount of dishwasher soap. Also, if you have hard water at your house, it’s best to use a phosphate-free washing agent to prevent calcium deposits from forming on dishes.

Combine different dishwasher cleaning tablets

Some dishwasher cleaners and detergents that you purchase in the store may contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can damage your machine. To avoid this, try combining different brands of dishwasher cleaners to make sure they’re strong enough to remove tough stains without causing damage.

When washing dishes by hand, make sure you don’t let food particles and grease dry on the utensils as this can contribute to tougher stains. If possible, remove stubborn food particles or grease before putting dishes in your dishwasher.

Don’t place too much pressure on the buttons

Keep in mind that dishwashers come equipped with a “Sanitize” setting which is normally used to remove germs and bacteria from dishes, but it uses a higher temperature that can also damage your utensils. So, if you’re going to use this function then make sure you only put plastic or wood utensils in the dishwasher as they will be most likely safe from heat damage. Fancy dishes can sometimes have a fine print that is not heat resistant, so make sure to have microwavable dishes as the material is resistant to heat, and is likely to do just fine in the dishwasher as well.

If your dishwasher is making a strange noise while it’s running, then this may be an indicator that you need to have it serviced. There could be some objects stuck in the machine or there might be a loose connection or belt. If you ignore these sounds, then they can result in more severe problems so make sure to get them fixed right away.

Dishwashers are designed to quietly clean your dishes, so pay attention to how loud yours is running (if you notice it’s louder than usual). Loud noises may be an indicator that your dishwasher isn’t working properly and this could be due to excess pressure which can lead to damaged seals or gaskets, water leaks, and broken pumps.

Make sure to always open the dishwasher when it’s done and dry your dishes before storing them away. This is because wet dishes can contribute to mold and mildew build-up, which can in turn cause your dishwasher to malfunction. Also, make sure you don’t squeeze the water out of a sponge after rinsing it, as this can reduce the water pressure in your dishwasher which can result in inferior cleaning.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).