3 Things to Know Before Getting a Home Improvement Loan

3 Things to Know Before Getting a Home Improvement Loan

The following contribution is from another author.

If you have some projects that you want to get done around the house, you might have considered taking out one of the loans available as credit card alternatives to pay for them. This can seem like a really good solution, and in some cases, it might be. Depending on the size of the job that you need to complete, you might not have the cash on hand that is needed to complete the project.

However, there are some downsides to getting a home improvement loan that you might not be aware of. Being educated about the decision that you are making is important, and you will want to consider all the pros and cons of this choice before you make it. The size of the project will have a lot to do with whether or not this decision is a wise one, but there are some other factors that might be motivating you as well.

If you are ready to learn more about the things that you should know before refinancing a home loan, you need to read on!

Things to Know Before Getting a Home Improvement Loan

1) There Are Two Types of Loan

One of the first things that you need to be aware of is that there are two common loan types for this need. You can usually take out a home equity loan or a personal loan to pay for your home improvement job. Both of these loans will help you fund the project, but you will need to know the difference between them to make an educated decision about which is the best for your needs.

A home equity loan allows you to use the equity that you have built-in your home as the collateral for the purchase. This loan type will often have a longer approval process than some other kinds of loans, but you will be offered more credit with this type of loan than you would with other loan types. The only instance where your loan request might be capped or reduced is if you don’t have much equity in your home yet.

When you take out a personal home loan, this loan will not be secured by anything other than the value of your credit history. This means that the bank will be offering you a loan based entirely on your credit score and past credit behavior. This loan might be smaller than what you can get with a home equity loan, and it will have a higher interest rate since it is an unsecured loan.

The question of which loan to take out can have a lot to do with how much money you need to borrow and how much interest you want to pay over the life of the loan.

2) Consider Saving Up

If the amount of cash that you need for your home loan is not that much, and you can save up cash before you take on the job of making improvements, you should consider this. You might be able to take out a loan for the improvements that you want to make, but you will pay interest on this loan amount, and your credit will be impacted by the loan process.

This is an important factor when you have some credit challenges in your credit history as well or if you have a lot of debt already. While you might be able to be approved for another loan, having a lot of debt already or being a credit risk in the bank’s estimation can mean that you will pay more interest over the life of the loan. You might also be offered a more limited amount of money for your home improvement job. This is why it is always valuable to know what your current credit score is and what your credit history looks like. You will have a much better time getting this kind of loan if your credit is excellent, but you should still ask yourself if you really need a loan or if you can be patient and save up some money for the job.

3) Make Sure That You Know How Much Money You Really Need

Another common pitfall of applying for a home improvement loan is that people do so before they have a realistic estimate for the cost of the job. This can hold up the loan process, and then it can also cause issues when the loan amount is still not enough to cover the cost of the work that needs to be done. Securing only part of the money that you need for your home improvement loan can be really frustrating, and you will want to avoid this problem if possible.

When you are looking into a home improvement project, you should only apply for a loan once you have an estimate for the work in hand. Guessing about the cost of the repairs or alterations that need to be done is not the best idea as you might ask for too much money or you might not ask for enough. Being sure about the parameters of the budget for the job you want to have done is important.

Home Improvement Loans Are Not Always Your Best Bet

Remember that a home improvement loan is always best used for really large jobs that need to be completed. You will want to be sure that you cannot save up the money that you need before you start the project, and you will need to consider which of the two loan types is the best fit for your needs. When you are looking into home improvement projects, always get a detailed quote for the cost of the job as well.

When you are prepared for the home improvement loan process, you will be able to make sure that you are getting the right loan for your needs. Saving money on interest and getting the correct amount of cash for your project are important factors for securing the right home improvement loan.



Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

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