Building the ULTIMATE Dad’s EDC Kit

Building the ULTIMATE Dad’s EDC Kit

Don’t call it a man purse.

Dad life is the good life, but sometimes you need a little help to make it through the week. This video is all about my (3 lbs) Dad’s Everyday Carry Kit, and it will rock your world if you carting your kids everywhere during the week like me.


I’ve shopped around for the cheapest prices online, and you’ll find those below. (Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links that cost nothing to you, but Amazon will give us a small percentage of your purchase to help support the channel.)

Links in order of appearance in video 🙂

Vanquest Dendrite (Small)
Dude Wipes
Wet Ones
Towel Tablets
Nitrile Gloves
iCloth Wipes
Klean Freak Body Wipes

Fabric Band Aids
Sunscreen Packets
Alcohol Pads
Antibiotic Packets
Blister Pads
Water Purifier
Advil Packets
Fresnel Lens
Sting Relief Swab
Repel Bug Spray

Tec-S3 Stainless Glow Fob
Nite Ize S-Biners
Pilot G2-Mini Pen
Bic Mini
Nitecore TIP2
Kevlar Rope
Hero Clip
Anker Astro
InCharge 6 Cable
Matador Pocket Blanket Mini, Droplet, and Towel
Foldies Milano Glasses
Velcro Ties
Zip Ties
Nite Ize GearTies
TI-Tape Measuring Tape

Hand Warmers
Field Notes
Curad Germ Shield Mask


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


  • I just found your youtube channel over the weekend and I have to say, I really like your approach to EDC compared to others I’ve seen, as you focus on being prepared for anything (McGyver-ing!) rather than survival preparedness. You’ve given me so many ideas between this video, your truck video and the ‘what I carry” videos. Thank you for taking the time to walk through your preparedness to help others be prepared as well. God bless!

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