9 Cleaning Hacks From Professional House Cleaners

9 Cleaning Hacks From Professional House Cleaners

The following contribution is from another author.

If you lead a busy life, hiring cleaning professionals such as Wetsouls Cleaning Service in Nashville, TN, is always recommended, but what if you don’t have money to hire an expert? Does it mean you will never have a clean house? Absolutely not, as there are plenty of house cleaning tips you can use. Here are 9 of these tips:

Try to kill two birds with one stone.

Since you are strapped for time, try to accomplish two tasks simultaneously. For example, clean the baseboards when vacuuming or washing the floors or clean the blinds when cleaning the windows.

Besides this saving you time, it also saves you energy and makes the cleaning task easy.

While it’s good to combine the tasks, avoid doing two unrelated tasks as you will get too tired and you might hate the cleaning task altogether. For example, don’t wipe the ceiling while cleaning the floor.

Vacuum first horizontally

Vacuuming is an integral but easy part of the cleaning process, but many people often don’t get the results they want. This is because they vacuum their houses the wrong way.

The best way to do it is to vacuum the house first horizontally, then vertically. By doing this, you remove all the dirt that might have been trapped in the various parts of the house.

You also should vacuum the house slowly to allow the machine to pick up all the dirt particles.

Have a cleaning plan

Most homeowners have random cleaning bursts. They will get into the house, and once they find it dirty, they start cleaning one part, and in no time, they can’t stop until the entire house is clean. This is how it usually works.

This is not how you should go about it, as you often become too tired and hate the cleaning task. The right thing to do is to have a cleaning plan, and good maids like the ones you find at Dash Maids have one. For the process to be smooth, treat house cleaning like a dance.

Start high in your house in the ceiling and windows, then work your way down and around while ensuring everything is in place.

Wipe the door frames, light switches, baseboard, and other items within reach as you move around.

Work in a circle around the room and not back and forth where you move from one item to the next as you end up getting too tired, distracted, and not achieving much.

Have fun

Cleaning can be tedious and monotonous, so you should strive to liven things up as much as possible. One excellent way is to put on some sweet music and dance to the rhythm while cleaning. 

Remember, you want something that makes you want to move. Something that gets your pulse racing. This calls for you to avoid slow music. 

Clean when there is optimum light getting into the house

To ensure that you can see all the dirt, clean the house when maximum light is getting into the house. This calls for you to open all the drapes, shades, and blinds. If this doesn’t work, put on the lights.

If you have a set cleaning day, ensure that you are done with cleaning by 3 P. M because after this time, the lights will start fading, and you won’t be able to see the dirt with enough clarity.

Most homeowners will have their cleaning bursts late or even at night when they come back from work. Regardless of how desperately you want to clean the house, don’t do it at night as you won’t give it the justice it deserves.

Clean the toilet daily

The toilet is usually the most challenging part of the house to clean. It’s even more difficult when there are stains on the bowls. 

To prevent a lot of dirt and grime from accumulating, make it a habit to clean your toilet every day. No, you don’t have to do a full cleaning. All you need to do is swish the toilet with your cleaning brush.

You will have an easy time cleaning when cleaning day comes and prevent stubborn stains from forming.

Skip the bucket

If you have been keeping your house clean, you don’t have to use a bucket every time you are cleaning as it’s’ not only heavy to carry around, but it also makes more of a mess due to the dirty water splashing around.

To save time, use a sprayer instead. Fill a spray bottle with a diluted cleaning solution of your choice, then using a microfiber mop, go around the house and dust off all the dusty surfaces.

While this technique is highly effective, it won’t work if you have gone for months without cleaning the house, as you will have too much dirt and filth to deal with.

Make use of your dishwasher.

Many people will only wash dishes in the dishwasher. After all, it’s a dishwasher, and it’s meant to clean dishes, right? While it’s good to save time and money by washing your dishes using your dishwasher, you don’t have to stop there.

Besides the dishes, also clean glass candle globes, jars, and other dishwasher-safe items made from glass or ceramic using the dishwasher. As with your dishes, putting these items in the dishwasher saves you time by speeding the cleaning, so you quickly complete the cleaning.

Of course, don’t put any meltable items in the dishwasher as you will damage it.

Start with the hardest parts.

Every house has a hard part to clean, usually the toilet, ceiling fan, and other neglected areas. Start with these hard-to-clean areas when cleaning, then move to the countertops and other surfaces.

When you start with the dirtiest areas, you ensure that by the time you are getting tired, you are done with most of the dirt, and you don’t have to be ultra keen when cleaning the remaining less dirty areas.

Parting shot

These are the cleaning tips you should use to have an easy time keeping your house dirt-free. You can clean your house yourself but let a professional help you out for the best outcome.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


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