How To Create A Garden Space To Be Proud Of

How To Create A Garden Space To Be Proud Of

The following contribution is from another author.

It’s easy to overlook your garden when managing a busy home and trying to stay on top of everything inside the house. However, it’s important to give your garden some love this summer.

Here, we’ll go over how to design a garden space that you can be proud of. These suggestions will make your garden into a gorgeous outdoor space that will be the envy of family and friends, whether you want to play, entertain, or relax!


Knowing where to begin in a garden that has been neglected all fall and winter can be challenging. Set up a plan and work on your garden in sections, so you are not taking on such a big project.

Mow the Lawn

You’ve probably neglected your lawn during winter, so it’s essential to get this under control as soon as possible.

Get Rid of Weeds

Weeds can quickly take over your garden, making it a challenge to get rid of once the fall and winter have passed. However, purchasing some high-quality weed killer will solve the problem and have your garden looking great once more in no time.

Improve the Health of Your Lawn

Your grass will have been depleted of most of the nutrients it requires to thrive throughout the winter. To ensure that your grass is thick and green come summer, you should buy some lawn feed.

Remember that you can also hire a gardener to tidy up your yard, but keep in mind that gardener prices will vary depending on the scope of the work.

Mushroom Garden

A mushroom garden is an interesting and rewarding addition to your outdoor space. By choosing the right mushroom types for your climate and garden conditions, you can cultivate a unique area in your garden. This will not only be a great conversation starter but also provide delicious, homegrown mushrooms for your meals.

Separate Your Spaces

Creating different areas in your outdoor space will give your garden a more coherent feel, whether you’re starting from the beginning in a new build or are looking to update an established garden.

Try to divide up your garden into areas with distinct functions. For example, you can have a grown-up haven apart from any ball pits or swing sets for the kids to use by laying out a patio area or installing some elevated decking. This will give you a durable and safe base to place your garden furniture.

A selection of ground types can create the illusion of different rooms. Anyone can use the patio for cooking or entertaining, the grass for playing, the decking for a peaceful place to unwind, and the gravel for setting those pots. Of course, the number of materials you used would depend on your needs and the available space.

Like inside your home, designating specific areas for activities like hosting guests, having fun, or relaxing will help give the space a focal point and prevent you from filling it with mountains of disorganised clutter.

Add Some Color

Consider placing some flowerbeds inside and around your newly tiled outdoor space if you’re keen on seamlessly blending the tiled area into your garden. By doing this, you can create an extra outdoor living space that your tiles add while retaining some of the garden’s original character as a lively and colorful outdoor area.

Any woodwork should be painted with outdoor paint that is bright and bold and either contrasts or complements your plants. When selecting new plants, go big with a rainbow of hues or create chic groupings of blooms with coordinating hues to display your sophisticated side.

If gardening isn’t your forte, group different plant selections on your patio in pots of various sizes and heights for a straightforward yet stylish appearance that isn’t overly complicated.

Bring The Indoors Outdoors

This is especially effective when creating a modern garden. When they are seamlessly integrated, you will find it much simpler to switch indoors and outdoors. You’ll use your garden much more frequently than you otherwise would.

Consider bringing your favourite colors and textures from your interior design outside through the flooring, the furniture, or the decorative accents. Doing this will encourage you to use your outdoor space more by giving it the feel of an extra room in your house. Always ensure the additions are appropriate for the outdoors when selecting these features.

Ensure Comfortability

How often you will use your outdoor space depends heavily on your comfort level. You’ll naturally want to move to a more tranquil area if the garden seems lifeless and dull. The furniture you use fits into this category as well. You’ll soon find yourself hiding inside on your lovely comfy sofa without relaxing furniture to recline on.

The theme plays a significant role in determining how cosy your outdoor area is. Incorporate a color scheme that instantly improves your mood after that, then spends money on various cosy furnishings you could gladly spend hours relaxing on.

All this combined will produce an incredibly soothing garden that you’ll feel at peace in and never want to leave. The best advice is to add cozy lighting, a fire pit, and water features to any outdoor area.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).