Which Is the Best Type of Material To Consider For Your Skateboard Bearings?

Which Is the Best Type of Material To Consider For Your Skateboard Bearings?

The following contribution is from another author.

Skateboard bearings come in three different materials: steel, ceramic, and titanium. For you to choose the best material that meets your skateboarding needs, you need to understand what each of these materials bring to the table.

Below, we discuss the three types of materials used to make skateboard bearings, including the benefits and drawbacks of each.

What Materials Are Used to Make Skateboard Bearings?

  • Steel: These skateboard bearings are the industry standard and are both economical and hard-wearing. Premium quality steel can make the skateboard bearing more durable and make it run faster. On the other hand, low-grade steel can rust when exposed to moisture.

If you want your steel bearings to last, avoid skateboarding in the rain and rolling through puddles, and keep them well oiled. If you get them wet, keep rolling because the wind will whisk away the water or dry them under the sun.

  • Ceramic: Ceramic skateboard bearings are tougher than steel skateboard bearings and deform less when under pressure. Ceramic bearings are also heat resistant, which means that they expand less and create less friction when you are rolling at high speeds.

Ceramic bearings do not rust when exposed to moisture, allowing you to skateboard in the rain, puddles, and moist environments.

On the flip side, ceramic is a brittle material. Ceramic bearings can break if you put them under high impact. Therefore, ceramic bearings are perfect for low-impact skating and short-distance commuting but not for skateboarding stair sets or big gaps.

  • Titanium: Titanium skateboard bearings are durable, lightweight, and rust-resistant. Titanium bearings perform similar to steel bearings; however, they have a longer lifespan due to titanium’s high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion.

If you want your titanium bearings to last, keep them lubricated to reduce excess friction while skateboarding.

Which Material Should You Consider For Your Skateboard Bearings?

The material you choose for your skateboard bearings depends on your skateboarding needs. If you skate stairs, make big jumps, or perform extreme skateboarding tricks, steel and titanium bearings are the better option because they can handle more impact. If you use your skateboard to commute to school or work or for low-impact skating, ceramic bearings are the better option.

Now that you know the different materials used to make skateboard bearings and the benefits and drawbacks of each, you can choose a material for your skateboarding bearings that will meet your skateboarding needs.

Author bio- Lillian Mclean has been an avid skateboarder for the past 13 years and now wants to share her knowledge with others


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).