When to Hire a Lawyer – 10 Unique Instances

When to Hire a Lawyer – 10 Unique Instances

The following contribution is from another author.

You’ll likely encounter situations in life that require you to seek legal advice. Legal issues can be complicated, and even the most well-informed individuals may find themselves needing help from a lawyer. While it’s not uncommon to think of lawyers as only being useful during a court case or if you need to file paperwork for some kind of business venture, there are actually quite a few other instances when consulting with a lawyer can be incredibly useful. It helps to know when you should look for a lawyer.

You Are Being Sued

If you find yourself in a situation where another individual or business is taking you to court, you will definitely want to seek legal assistance. This can be for anything from a minor contract dispute to a serious personal injury suit. If you are being sued, you’ll need to hire an attorney as soon as possible and have them initiate action on your behalf. The reason you need a lawyer in this situation is because you have the right to defend yourself in court, and a lawyer will help you do this.

You Are Starting a Business

If you’re in the process of starting a new business, you’ll want to consult with an attorney beforehand to make sure that you’re following all the necessary procedures to protect yourself and your new business. If you’re not familiar with some of the legal aspects of business ownership, you could find yourself in trouble. In order to make sure that you’re following all the rules, hiring an attorney to review your business plan and formation documents is an excellent idea. 

Your Rights Have Been Denied

If you feel that your rights have been denied, you can file a legal action to rectify the situation. This can be for anything from racial discrimination in the workplace to misuse of your image or name by another individual or business. If you find yourself in this type of situation, it’s best to hire an attorney who understands the laws in your jurisdiction and can assist you in filing the appropriate paperwork in a timely manner.

You are Negotiating a Contract

 you’re going in to negotiate a contract with another party, you may want to bring an attorney along to help you out. If you’re not familiar with all the legal aspects of contract negotiation, you could end up signing a document that leaves you with less rights than you should have. An attorney can help you to avoid this by reviewing the contract before you sign it and making sure that it doesn’t include any language that’s unfavorable or could be misinterpreted.

You Have Been Seriously Injured

The injuries that you receive in a car accident, slip and fall, or other accident may be severe enough that you’re unable to return to work. If you’re not able to get your insurance company to cover your medical expenses or lost wages, you may need to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. In order to win this type of case, you will likely need to hire an attorney. Make sure you hire the correct lawyer with the right experience for your situation, such as a car accident lawyer if you have been in a car accident.

You are Getting Divorced

Divorces are difficult, no matter whether they were amicable or whether one partner had to hire professional private detective services by Bond Rees to catch a cheating spouse. If you are getting divorced, you may encounter some complications when it comes to dividing up assets and determining child custody and visitation terms. In order to conclude this process as smoothly as possible, it’s a good idea to hire an attorney who specializes in family law. An attorney can help you to draft up a settlement agreement that covers all the relevant issues and comes to an agreement that is fair for both parties.

Not only does the divorce lawyer have the legal expertise and experience to guide you in the complicated divorce process, but they can also provide non-legal services like document preparation as well as emotional support during a time of intense stress and transition. Whether it’s helping to draft a fair parenting agreement or understanding the tax implications involved in a divorce, working with a divorce attorney can be incredibly beneficial in both avoiding costly mistakes and making sure everyone is treated fairly throughout the whole divorce process.

You are Dealing with Real Estate Matters

If you’re purchasing property, refinancing a mortgage, or interested in a land contract, it’s a good idea to get some legal advice beforehand. If you don’t know what you’re signing and are not familiar with the legal considerations involved in real estate transactions, you could cost yourself money and delay the progress of the transaction. This is especially costly and time-consuming in real estate, where contracts often take several days to go through the entire process.

You Could Go To Jail

There are some situations where you are in danger of going to jail. If this applies to you, you should get a lawyer. You should never risk defending yourself or letting a public defender fight for your case if there is too much at stake, such as going to jail. This can derail your entire life and make it difficult for you to live in society in the future. Therefore, you should always hire a lawyer if you are in danger of going to jail.

Your Opponent Has a Lawyer

If your opponent has a lawyer in court, they are immediately more likely to win than you are if you do not have a lawyer. Lawyers are well-trained in winning legal proceedings and will know exactly what to say to sway the judge in their favor. Therefore, if you find that your opponent has a lawyer, you should get one, too. This is especially important if you are involved in a high-stakes case, such as one where you could lose a lot of money or go to jail.

You Are Adopting a Child

Adopting a child may be a more rare case of when you need a lawyer, but it is a very important case. Adopting a child requires a lot of paperwork and preparation, and a lawyer can help you ensure that you are doing everything right. Without a lawyer, you might fill out something wrong and have to start the entire process over again.

Legal issues can be complicated, and even the most well-informed individuals might need the help of a lawyer. While it’s not uncommon to think of lawyers as only being useful during a court case or if you need to file paperwork for some kind of business venture, there are many instances when consulting with a lawyer can be incredibly useful. If you ever find yourself in one of these situations, make sure you know where to find a lawyer that can help you ensure the best outcome for you.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


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