Essential Services from your Local Arborist

Essential Services from your Local Arborist

The following contribution is from another author.

Trees are an essential aspect of every garden and if you have a blend of mature and young trees on your property, you will need to seek out a local tree surgeon, or arborist, as they are also known. A qualified arborist knows all there is to know about native Australian trees and imported species and with that in mind, here are some of the services offered by your local arborist.

  • Tree pruning & shaping – At least twice a year, your mature trees should be pruned and shaped to blend in with the surroundings. The best time of year for pruning does depend on the species; you can find all the info you need with a Google search.
  • Tree removal – The range of tree services includes felling, which can be very dangerous; the tree surgeon doesn’t like to cut down large trees and will only do so when danger is present. If a large tree is hanging over the house, the tree must be taken down section by section, starting at the top and carefully lowering short sections of the trunk until the tree is removed.
  • Stump removal – Your local arborist would have at least one stump grinder, which consists of multiple tungsten-tipped circular blades and when lowered onto the stump, they turn it into wood chippings. The machine can go down 1 metre into the ground, destroying the stump, which means you can use the space. Click here for tips on cleaning walls.
  • Tree acquisition & planting – Your local tree service provider can design an outdoor space, helping you to choose suitable trees that will provide you with essential shading and cover.
  • Palm tree maintenance –Palm trees are different to regular trees in many ways, indeed, some would say they are a high-maintenance species. Deadwood needs to be cut away, while the fruit can be removed to deter pests; we recommend having palm trees pruned on a regular basis.
  • Hedge trimming – Regardless of the species, hedgerows need regular trimming, which helps make the garden look neat and tidy. Of course, you could trim your hedges yourself, if you have a pair of steps and a hedge trimmer, but many people don’t like working at height and the tree surgeon is very experienced and can even create hedge shapes, which take a couple of years to take shape.
  • Storm damage – Storms and high winds can cause serious damage to trees and the sooner you call in the arborist, the better. In some cases, the entire tree has to be removed, but if it is salvageable, the tree specialist will save the tree. All deadwood needs removing and any damaged branches made safe. Here is an informative file on safety when working with trees.

As you can see, the arborist has a long list of available services and if you have yet to use your local company, they know all about tree care.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

1 comment

  • The essential services provided by local arborists are invaluable for maintaining the health and beauty of our urban landscapes. From tree pruning and disease management to emergency tree removal, their expertise ensures our environment remains safe and thriving. Thank you, local arborists, for your dedication to preserving the natural beauty of our surroundings and contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

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