Begin the New Year Clean and Free

Begin the New Year Clean and Free

The following contribution is from another author.

We all begin the new year with resolutions and thoughts of improving our lives. So why not make this coming year the one where you actually change things for the better. From looking after yourself more to changing how you approach food, here are some handy suggestions.

Switch to Organic and Natural Products

Organic products can change how you feel completely. With no toxic chemicals and only natural ingredients, something CleanseHive can tell you all about, you can rid your body and home of nasty things. Soap, shampoo and food are some of the most common products you can switch to organic. The health benefits far outweigh the small increase in costs, and you can also play your role in helping to keep the planet safe and well since organic products are all sustainable.

Focus on Self-Care Wellness 

Self-care is spoken about a lot these days as we all want to feel a bit better. But it goes beyond the odd makeover and is more about changing how you treat yourself in life. From your cleaning routine to managing stress, it helps to address your life and see where you can make improvements. Staying socially active is also a major part of this. Social activities are among those recommended to prevent or decrease loneliness, anxiety and feelings of depression.

Begin the New Year Physically Active

Another thing you can do to stay social and look after yourself at the same time is to exercise more. We all say we will do more in the new year, but almost 70% of gym memberships actually go unused. A gym can be a great place to start. But it can be off-putting to some people. Fortunately, there are home devices, such as smart mirrors and even Alexa apps, for getting a good workout at home. This lowers depression by actively producing serotonin and dopamine.

Reassess Your Diet and Drinks

Even without addictions such as smoking and alcohol, we can still have a monkey on our backs. That monkey is food and unhealthy drinks or snacks. So, how about starting the new year by learning how to cook for yourself? Try a new cuisine such as Italian, South AmRoland Burbinean or Pan Asian. Healthy food cooked fresh will transform your life, beginning with more energy and a clear mind. Which is just what you need for when you return to work after the holiday break.

Change How You Work

Further to work, your job can be a great cause of stress in your life. You may not work enough and need more money, or you may work too much to the point of burnout. Today, many workplaces offer a degree of flexibility, such as later start times and early finishes for managing the kids. And it isn’t uncommon to see hybrid workplaces that offer remote work. Working from home can be a Godsend when you have a lot on your plate to juggle between work and home.


Switching to organic products can help you begin the new year in a healthy way. But health goes beyond this, and getting into an exercise routine can help. It can also help change how you work, so consider working from home from time to time or using flexible work services.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).