Is Your Household Harming the Environment?

Is Your Household Harming the Environment?

The following is a contribution from another author.

Most families now understand the importance of protecting the environment for future generations. The issue is that many households are still harming their local ecosystems, and so this article is designed to provide some advice that will help to turn that situation around. There are lots of things you can do to limit your impact on the environment, but the suggestions listed below are going to make the most significant impact. You might discover that you’re doing some of these things already. If that is the case; you should give yourself a well-earned pat on the back.

Switch to solar power

The most significant thing households can do right now is to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels by adopting the latest technology and switching to solar power. You have a couple of options on the table when it comes to achieving that goal. Firstly, you could pay for solar panel installation outright by contacting a residential solar company. People who do that will reap the best rewards because you’ll get a check from the power suppliers at the end of the year for any energy you created but did not consume. Secondly, there are lots of schemes out there that help you to get solar panels for next to nothing. However, you won’t get payments from the power companies if you choose one of those.

Grow food in your garden

Many households create a vast amount of waste every year, and most of that comes from food packaging. It is possible to reduce the amount of waste you create by planting a vegetable or fruit garden and growing organic items at home. That is a fantastic idea because it helps to teach kids some useful skills, and you won’t have to deal with all that plastic packaging. Also, your food is going to be much healthier than anything you can buy from the local store because you won’t use chemicals or pesticides.

Stop using two cars!

Far too many families have access to two cars these days. Unless you work a hundred miles away from your partner, you can probably get away with only one vehicle on your driveway. Choose your car carefully, and invest in something that benefits from the latest technology. There are low-emission vehicles out there that do not damage the planet half as much as some of the large SUVs people drive. You can also consider switching to electric car. Read about the benefits of electric car. Perhaps you should get one of those? You could even purchase bicycles if you don’t have to travel too far to get to work and drop the kids off at school.

As you can see from the information in this post, by using modern technology in some ways and getting back to basics in others; it is more than possible to limit the impact your family has on the environment. Use these suggestions and continue your research until you come up with a strategy that will help to protect the planet and ensure you don’t cause too much damage for future generations. If you do that, hopefully, your kids will follow suit when they mature and fly the nest.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

1 comment

  • Now it is important to think not only about the house, almost every family has a car, which means that you are releasing a large amount of carbon into the environment almost every day. Now anyone who really wants to help can participate in programs on this site to help carbon offset companies and projects

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