How to Make Your Home Feel Way More Spacious

How to Make Your Home Feel Way More Spacious

The following contribution is from another author.

If you don’t feel as though your home is big enough then you will understand how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though your only option is to move, but this is never the case. In fact, there are tons of things that you can do to try and make the most out of the space that you have right now.

Always Choose Lightweight Fabric

If your goal is to try and make your space look bigger then lightweight fabric is the way to go. Thick curtains tend to absorb a ton of light and the look of them will weigh the room down as well. This is the last thing that you need when you are trying to go for that open look. To avoid this, try and opt for fabrics that are nice and light. This can include linen or even silk-lined curtains. If you want to take things to that next level, then you might want to try and hang your curtains higher as well. When you do this, you emphasize the height of the room and this is ideal if the room is smaller than you’d like. You’d be surprised at what a difference this can make and it is a very affordable way for you to create the illusion of space.

Striped Floor

Striped floors are ideal for emphasizing space. The main reason for this is because they make a room look longer than it actually is. If you want to create a very striking or contrasted effect then black and white is the way to go. A lot of people worry about having a white carpet because they feel as though they are hard to keep clean. This may be the case, but if you have a high-quality vacuum and a good carpet cleaning solution then there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make it work. Check out these vacuum reviews to find out more.

Cooling Colors

You have probably heard that white is great if you want to make everything look bigger. If you find it hard to paint everything in your home white then this is completely understandable. There are other options that you can go with, such as blues, greens and yellows. If you have a dark blue wall in your living room, then consider going over it with a lighter blue instead.  This will give you the chance to keep the color scheme that you have right now but it will also open the room up far more than you think.

Be Smart

It’s tempting to stuff every shelf you have in your home with clutter. After all, it’s better than having it on the floor. The problem with having all of your shelves full is that it can make the room appear way smaller. If you want to get around this then you need to de-clutter everything you can. You also need to try and leave some empty spaces as well. This will reveal the depth of the room and it will also help you to open up some wall space. You don’t need to have every shelf empty, just the odd one. When you do this, you will see a huge difference and it is a super affordable way for you to get more space.

Match Everything In

Another great way for you to make the most out of your space would be for you to try and choose the same color for your walls as your curtains. This way, your curtains will blend into the walls and they also won’t be as intruding. If you are struggling to come up with your own ideas then why not take a look online? There are so many styles for you to look at and it may even give you the inspiration you need to come up with your own décor.

Clean your Windows

Believe it or not, your windows can really make a room look dull. This is especially the case if they have not been cleaned in a while. When you do clean your windows, this will make any room look brighter and it will also make it look way more spacious. Dirty windows can really distract the eye, not to mention that they can also stop light from coming in properly. Remember that when you do clean your windows, you have to make sure that the glass is clean on the inside and out. This may take a bit of work but you would be surprised at how much of a difference it can make to your home. If you want a cheap way to clean your windows then fill up a spray bottle with some white vinegar. Spray the window, then take some newspaper and dry it off. This will prevent streaky marks and it will also help you to stay on top of the dirt and grime.


When it comes to your furniture, it helps to pick fittings, ornaments, carpets and even curtains that are all of a similar shade. If you want blue for example, try and have different shades such as light blue, dark blue, navy and even teal. This will open up the room far more than you realize and it can also really add an interesting element to the room. If you want to take things to that next level, then it may be a good idea for you to opt for monochromatic colors. This is much easier on the eyes and it is also way easier for you to blend in other design elements. Of course, if you are finding it hard to choose the right colors then consider looking at your favorite colors first. Then, look at the décor that you have in your home, and try and blend the two together. After all, it’s your home, so you should be able to choose colors that you love!

Keep the Floor Visible

It’s so important that you keep the floor as clear as possible. Make sure that your TV stand has legs if possible, and choose a sofa that is a little raised off the ground. Your room will feel instantly more open and it will also make it much easier for light to flow underneath as well. Glass coffee tables are ideal here because they help light to filter all the way through and they also make it much easier for you to really make the most out of the space that you have. If you feel as though glass won’t really work in the room that you have, then try and opt for an opaque glass or even a black glass alternative. The reflective properties will still add something to the room but it also means that you can choose a color that will match in with the room as well.

Have a Clear Out

The first thing that you should do when making your space look bigger, is to have a good old-fashioned clear out. It’s a good idea for you to start with your living room because this will make it feel way more spacious. If you have some side tables that are not in use, get rid of them or donate them. If you have a huge set of drawers in the dining room that is just a dumping ground, then consider moving them to the spare room or into the attic. Sometimes clutter isn’t always small items and accessories, it can be furniture as well, so it’s really important that you take this into consideration when you are having a change-around.

Dark to Light

If your floor is dark then make sure that you paint your ceiling in a nice light shade. This will really help you to give the illusion of space and the main reason for this is because it draws the eyes upwards. If you do the opposite and have a dark ceiling, then the eyes will be drawn downwards and this will make the room feel way smaller than it actually is. This trick is great if you want to have dark colors without compromising the look and feel of the room, and it also means that you can incorporate different design elements as well.

Give your Sofa Space

If you have the room, it is always a good idea for you to pull the sofa away from the wall. This will help you to create a ton of breathing room and it will also make the space seem bigger. The main reason for this is because it will create a shadow behind it, and this will trick the eye into thinking that there is more room behind it than there actually is. If you want to take things to that next level, then make sure that you put the tallest or largest pieces of furniture in the corners of the room. Your eye will find it much easier to take in, and again, it will really help to create the illusion of space.



Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).