The Key to Living Well

The Key to Living Well

The following contribution is from another author.

When you’re thinking of creating the perfect home life, there’s a lot that needs to go into that. On face value, it can seem simple. Because surely, the perfect home is all about the look. And when you know your taste in decor well, how can it be all that hard to create a living space that you love? Well, sure, decor is one part of building a home – but it’s not always the most important. Because if you want to live well, truly enjoy your surroundings, and make sure that your home feeds into your standard of living, then you need to focus on comfort.

Now, comfort can get a bit of a bad wrap. It’s easy to think that anything comfortable is boring and old-fashioned – maybe even a little bit dowdy. But this really isn’t the case. Because when we’re talking about the idea of comfort, we’re thinking about it in a holistic sense. Here, comfort represents how you feel in the space, how it facilitates your life, and how well your home contributes to your happiness. And sure, that sounds like a big deal – because it is!

So when you’re trying to create a home that you love – a home that makes you happy, you have to think about how comfortable it makes you. To do there, there are key ideas that each feed into that. So let’s take a look at how you can work on your comfort levels and live well.

1) Space

First of all, you’re going to want to make sure that you have the space you need to feel comfortable. No matter how much that is, you’re going to want to feel comfortable in the space you have and not too cramped or even overwhelmed by how much space you do have. It’s important to get this right. Because when you have the space you need, it’s going to allow you to feel comfortable every single day.

2) Storage

As a step on from that, there’s also storage to think about too. Because if you have a lot of stuff laying around, it will affect how organized you feel. So do you need to work on smarter storage ideas? Or declutter? Think about what’s going to help you to live more comfortably here, because the more organized you are, the better you will be able to live.

3) Light

One thing that really helps you to feel great in your home, is light. If you live in a dark home or apartment, then you need to bring in brighter natural lights. It’s important to open up the space because light does really help you to be happier.

4) Atmosphere

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that the environment of your home is just right. Because the atmosphere really does contribute to the way that you feel in the space – which then helps you to live well. So here, things like your heating and getting your home to the right temperature, or getting air conditioning in place, really can make a difference. Even things like scents can matter. So make sure that your atmosphere does contribute to how you feel.

5) Facilities

Then, there’s the idea of the rooms and amenities that you have in your home. Do you want a home gym or a reading room? What kind of spaces are going to allow you to feel fulfilled at home and contribute to a good life and allow you to live well? When you know, get see if you can create one for yourself.

6) Physical Comfort

And, of course, the idea that you are physically comfortable in your house is important too, so that you can relax. So when you’re buying furniture, make sure that you’re getting pieces that are comfortable and don’t just look good.

7) Decor

And then finally, your decor definitely comes into this. Why? Well, if you don’t have a decor style that you feel suits you, or that you love, you may not fully feel comfortable in the space you’re in. And, not only that, but you are very likely to find that you just don’t relax or enjoy being at home. So you need to make sure that your decor is done to your taste. And if you’re not sure what that is just yet, you can take an interior design style quiz to find out. Then, get to work. Because when the space is finished and you’re comfortable with that, you’ll definitely feel like you’re living well.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).