Give Your Home a Quick Makeover

Give Your Home a Quick Makeover

The following contribution is from another author.

When we first pick our homes, we have some grand plans for them. It might be that our lives changed, babies came along, new pets arrived, or perhaps people left. Maybe you got busier too, work, school, other outside responsibilities that land on our shoulders.

Whatever it is that has you putting off the house of your dreams, it’s time to push it to one side and go after it.

Before you start to worry about the spend, these are budget-friendly ideas that are small, and impactful. You can use the tips that apply to you, ditch the ones that don’t and enjoy your updated new pad.

Think Color

Getting a whole new look is as easy as a tin of paint…kind of. The problem people run into is that they often fun out of time, have patchy walls or awkward spaces and standard store purchased tools. In reality, although most of us do a fine just, we really should hire professionals like Gator Painters. In the long run, the job that a professional company or individual will do is superior and will need fewer touch-ups and than if we do it ourselves. White works wonders on all spaces, but don’t be scared about having a feature wall either.

Think Clutter

Many of us have far too much ‘stuff.’ Memories from our teenage years, gifts we were given that we’ve never used, that George Foreman grill we picked up on January 1st in a bit to eat healthier but never got round to using. It’s time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and say goodbye to the things that are taking up space that we just don’t use. Start with the busiest room in the house. You’re likely to find plenty of things that haven’t been used for a long time. In true Marie style, say thanks to the items that have served you well but should be heading off to another life.

Ideally, you’ll set up three or five boxes:

  • Trash – broken toys, games with parts missing, torn or stained clothing, anything that won’t go on to love a second life.
  • Donate – things that are in good working order, but you never use them. Clothing that is too big/small/never sees the light of day.
  • Keep – things you use often
  • Optional Storage box – family heirlooms that you’re keeping safe
  • Optional Sale box – things you don’t use but could make some cash from

This activity is pretty much free, in fact, you can make money from doing in. You’ll be surprised how light you and your home feel once you have made these changes.


Most of us have pretty harsh bulbs in. Try swapping some of them out for warmer toned bulbs. They’ll add a calmer more relaxed ambiance to your spaces.

Adding floor lamps with making the room feel cozier and aren’t too expensive either.

Window dressings can make a significant impact on a room. Try switching out traditional curtains for some lighter blinds. In the summer they’ll bathe the rooms in daylight – which is excellent for you and your home.


Every home has a specific smell. Dogs, cats, washing powder, furniture polish…teenagers… they all mingle together to create your homes smell.

But what about introducing other scents? Floral scented candles with white label wax melts add a touch of lightness, and the soft flowery smell travels around the house from higher quality candles. Fresh cotton and ocean breeze are also fragrances that can be bright a bright and breezy ambiance. If you’re the cautious type, then you might be better off with either reed diffusers or plug-ins. They have the same scenting power, but you’re not likely to forget to blow them out before you head to bed.

Adorn The Walls

Perhaps you’ve had one set of photos or some paintings in the same place for years. Maybe it’s time to move them! You can, for not much money, create a beautiful gallery with art and photos that you love. They’re popular on Pinterest and don’t have to cost much to do. You can head to your local dollar store or thrift store to pick up a range of different frames.

Mirrors are also great at making rooms brighter and bigger without much effort. You can grab these from a vintage store and thrift stores too. Of course, nothing beats a professionally applied fresh coat of paint. For commercial painting services, call Gustafson Painting

Shelving Situations

After you have cleared out all of the clutter and junk, you’re going to be left with things that you actually want to show off. You can get creative by using floating shelves, traditional bookshelves, glass or modern style industrial wireframes. These are valuable pieces of space that you can use to show off your book collection, place prized photographs or just give you extra space and storage by your desk.

Small Details

Swap your old handles for updated options. Think about the style that you are going for. White walls, green plants, and traditional wood finishes look ultra clean. So think about a polished gold or rose gold style of knob and handle. This is a small touch, but it goes a long way to making the room cohesive and slick.

Candle holders and plant pots can bring a wonderful sense of country living or modern chic. Hammered copper looks gorgeous, easy to clean and very hard wearing. Blue and white striped chunky pottery looks stunning and can bring a pop of color too.


They bring a sense of calm and nature to any home. Succulents are very easy to look after, so are cacti. But if you are looking for something a bit more ‘wow’ then think about mini rose bushes, mini fruit trees, lavender plants, orchids, and peace lilies are stunning and very classy.

With some time, and a good plan you can turn your home into a sanctuary without throwing money at it. Instead a good clear out, some elbow grease and a few hours on Pinterest will have you sorted in no time. Just remember to call in the professionals for jobs that you know are beyond your skill set.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).