Updating Your Home: How to Do It and Not Break the Bank

Updating Your Home: How to Do It and Not Break the Bank

The following contribution is from another author.

Updating your home can feel like an expensive task. But it can, in fact, be done on a small budget. It doesn’t require you to overhaul each room and make an expensive purchase. It just means being more selective with your choices and decisions. It’s about thinking smart with your head and not with your purse. This can be easier said than done. With that in mind, here are some of the nifty, thrifty and inexpensive ways you can update your home and they won’t break the bank. Some may even help you budget in the future. Little improvements often done can make a massive difference to your living space. 

Lighting can make a big impact on a small budget

The lighting in your home is one way of controlling the impact and impression your home has on yourself but also guests. A new lighting scheme, be that in your lamps, or main lighting can make a room feel very different. Also changing up your light bulbs can make a saving on your monthly bills so it’s worth looking into your lighting in your home. 

Update your home with technology

It may sound like technology might mean cost, but actually it can be a great way to keep your home modern and up to date and also save money in the process. There are many different devices that you can use that can help you to get more technical in your home. There are smart home solutions that include things like monitoring your energy, switching on devices and also having them off when they are not being used. Technology can give your home a modern edge and help with your budget. 

A de-cluttered home can make it feel clean and fresh

Tidying your home costs nothing. But it can make one of the biggest differences to your home’s aesthetics and feel. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter can make a home feel fresh and clean. It can also make a room look different by tidying away any bits and pieces that have accumulated over time. 

Thinking about storage can make a huge difference

Once you have gone through the clutter in your home now is the time to think about storage solutions to keep it clean and tidy. One way to do this is storage boxes and drawer dividers. These can easily be picked up in convenience stores for a very low price. 

A lick of paint is a thrifty way of updating

Paint doesn’t need to cost the earth. But painting the walls in a new fresh color can make a big impact on how your home looks. Paint can make it feel new and also means that not much else needs to be done to update it. 

Only invest in key pieces

Only spend your hard-earned dollars on items that need replacing. So if you couch has seen better days, then that’s a worthy purchase. But if you haven’t had it too long and you just don’t like it anymore then find ways to improve it rather than replacing it. Maybe adding new scatter cushions or a blanket instead. Much more thrifty than replacing the whole thing. 

Upcycle unwanted furniture and give it a new lease of life

If anyone is getting rid of unwanted furniture, don’t stick your nose up at it and think smart. Could it look better if painted? Could it have a different purpose? By upcycling existing pieces of furniture, you could give them a new lease of life. 

Let’s hope these thrifty tips help you update your home. 


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).