Sprucing Up Your Home With Quick and Simple Tips

Sprucing Up Your Home With Quick and Simple Tips

The following contribution is from another author.

Your home is something that you may always want to take pride in. Whether you rent or own your home, being house proud is something that we can all be if we try. But, your home may need a little sprucing from time to time to help you make it appear to look fabulous. Not everyone has a bank full of money ready to decorate every room, and not all of us really have the time for extensive refurbishments, but there are easy ways that you can spruce up your home to make it look amazing. With that in mind, here are some of the things to try. 

Get rid of clutter and rubbish in your home

We can all be guilty of letting clutter and rubbish build up in our homes. It might be outside where you think out of sight out of mind, or it could simply be that you have bought new things such as furniture and not got rid of the older things out of your home. The more stuff you have, the more untidy and messy your home can appear, and you can lose sight of the decoration or actually what you want people to see. It might be time to start thinking of getting rid of the clutter and rubbish once and for all. Larger items could be easily stored away if you don’t want to get rid of them, and looking into things like self storage construction could provide a different option. For smaller items, why not try and make some money out of your unwanted things? Using websites like eBay to sell on the items to a new home. Having a clutter and rubbish free home could really make a difference to how your home looks and the amount of space that you have. 

Paint a feature wall in some of the most used rooms

The next thing you could think about doing would be to paint one wall in a room. Creating a feature in some of the rooms you use the most gives the impression of a complete decoration without much effort or money needing to be spent. It could be a contrasting colour, some wallpaper, or even using pictures and photo frames to create the feature you are after. 

A deep clean and a change around

Finally, a deep clean can make a big difference to how your home looks and feels. You have to think about the last time you moved the sofas to vacuum, or the last time you moved the furniture around. Taking the time to clean things, including the doors, skirting boards and the windows, will make a room feel completely new. While you are at it, you could consider a move around. This could help make a room feel different, and also give you a chance to change the use or purpose of a room. The small spruce up could maker a big difference to your home. 

Let’s hope that these tips have you sprucing up your home. 



Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).