Five Reasons to Have a Lift in Your Home

Five Reasons to Have a Lift in Your Home

The following contribution is from another author.

When we are at home, which let’s face it most of us are right now, the simple act of going up and down the stairs is not all that much of a challenge for the majority of us. For some people however, for example the differently abled, it is much more of a difficulty. It’s really challenging having to be stuck at home all day, it’s even worse if you are stuck in the one room.  We have come a long way from the steam engine powered elevators of the 1800s that you could read about in this history of the elevator

A previous article discussed creating an accessible home in 5 steps and today we’ll dive into five reasons to have a lift in your home. 

There are grants available for disabled people in need of a lift

While it might seem expensive to consider purchasing a lift and getting it installed in your home, worry not! If you are a disabled person who requires better access to the rooms in your home, the UK Government can provide a grant to help you along with the cost of a home lift and various other helpful facilities. 

Moving furniture just got a whole lot easier

We’ve all been there, we’ve got a new chest of drawers that will go lovely in the bedroom with a cute lamp on top but it’s heavy and it’s awkward to carry. You worry about scuffing the paint on the wall or dropping the new furniture and breaking it but with a lift in your home you can worry about that no longer! 

Lifts are safer than a staircase

It’s a worry when there’s little kids or elderly people going up and down the stairs, one missed step can cause a whole lot of trouble for our vulnerable loved ones. With a lift in the house that panic is over as the young and old alike can go where they please without fear of falling and hurting themselves.

Resale value of your home will increase

If you are selling your home with a lift already installed, first and foremost, you have increased your potential buyers! Folk that have difficulty with stairs or young children will have their interest piqued knowing there is a lift already installed and as it is a feature less common in the houses on sale, it will increase your possible asking price too!

A lift can look great

Like most other forms of technology, we have innovated and redesigned to the point that some of our functional necessities now look like modern art pieces! Even just browsing some of the lifts possible to buy online, for example at, you can see that there are beautiful possibilities out there!

As you can see there are many reasons to get a lift installed in your home, from their modern sleek designs to the increased safety and value of your house. Obviously, for a young healthy homeowner this might seem like an excessive thing but when considering the help it could provide for people, the increase in lifts in the home could only be a good thing.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).