Bird Care and Maintenance Tips for Beginners

Bird Care and Maintenance Tips for Beginners

Birds are unique pets that are social by nature. They function much better when they are with other birds, well-fed, and are also in constant interaction with their species. The various species of birds make them fun pets. If you’re considering becoming a bird owner, you need to learn how to take care of them. 

These flying animals are really pretty and intelligent which makes them a great companion for their owner. You wouldn’t want to lose your favorite companion after some months or years because they weren’t well taken care of. In order to enjoy the benefits of your pet, you need to ensure it is healthy.             

As stated already, you also do need to provide enough enrichment and interaction for your bird to keep it happy and healthy. This article provides you with tips on how you can care for and maintain your bird even as a beginner.   

Ensure Their Food is Healthy

Many pet owners think any kind of food is okay for their bird but that’s just setting it up for serious problems down the road. If your bird is to remain a part of your home or family, you need to be conscious of the kinds of food you’re feeding it. 

It is important that the bird gets every nutrition required for it to grow and remain in good health. That’s why any food you are to give your bird needs to be designed by a nutritionist so the bird can have all the necessary vitamins that would help prevent disease and infections. Just like nutritious food is good for human health, so also would the right food help combat health challenges in your bird.

Here are some essentials you can feed your bird with:

  • Cuttlefish or mineral stones: These are really good sources of calcium that would maintain your bird’s beak health. Ensure it is fed this at all times.
  • Grit: This is important if you want the birds to digest their food easily. Grits break down seeds and help in the formation of eggs when the birds are breeding.

Other safe foods your birds can consume include zucchini, pumpkin, raspberries, broccoli, celery, pears, strawberries, carrots, cauliflowers.

Foods you shouldn’t feed your bird include fruit seeds, rhubarb, chocolate, onions, eggplants, cherries, oxalis, cabbage, cherries, and raw/dried beans. 

Some experts recommend mixing up their diets every day considering how picky some birds are. You need to also ensure there is fresh clean water readily available for them daily. 

Get Large Cages

After feeding, the next way to properly care for your bird would be where it lays its head. Birds are usually kept in cages but it’s advisable for you to get really large cages (aviaries) for your pet as they allow them more space to stretch their wings and even fly. 

When choosing a cage, select one whose bars are close to each other such that your bird wouldn’t be able to fit its head through. They should also be strong so your bird doesn’t chew them. 

Equally important is the need for you to cover the cage with grit or newspaper and tidy it up regularly. People with limited bird experience can make inquiries about a befitting cage at the bird shop.  It should also be in a ventilated area where there is direct sunlight. Another thing you should note is the smoothness of the perch. It should be rough and not too smooth to prevent your bird’s nail from overgrowing. 

Perform Regular Medical Checkups

Your bird needs to be wormed every three months, maybe twice a year. Spray your bird with lice spray every 6 weeks to prevent mites and lice. Duly follow the instructions on the bottle on how to spray the cage and its toys; remember food and water shouldn’t be in the cage when you’re spraying. 

Furthermore, your vet and bird should be good friends too. Whether the bird is looking ill or just for occasional visits, the bird shouldn’t be distant from a vet. 

Be on the lookout for any unusual symptoms such as it not eating, sleeping more than usual, vomiting, discharge from its nose, bleak eyes, or any other anomalies. Birds fall sick; that is why you need to be proactive by giving them the right meds as prescribed by the doctor.

Caring for pet birds is very important. You need to understand that you can’t handle them the way you would a cat or a dog, at the same time, they aren’t that difficult to keep and maintain. Follow the tips listed in this article and research more if you want your pet bird to live long in good health.                                                                                                                


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).