The Function of Safety Flooring System and Anti-Fatigue Mats

The Function of Safety Flooring System and Anti-Fatigue Mats

The following contribution is from another author.

If you work in an office, factory, warehouse, or other location where heavy equipment is used and standing for long hours is required regularly; you have most likely heard of what some people refer to as anti-fatigue mats. These mats are used for protecting people from back pain, leg pain, and fatigue-related injuries due to standing on your feet for long hours. They are also used in many sporting events such as soccer and lacrosse.

How do Anti-Fatigue mats work?

There are two main functions of this safety floor matting. The first one is that they act as a cushioning shield for your feet and ankles. In doing so, they can help reduce the amount of stress placed on them and the joints. This can be particularly important in places such as assembly lines, where people are constantly moved from one section of a manufacturing line to another and are required to stand on their feet for long hours. 

In addition to that, safety floor matting can help prevent injuries due to heavy machinery used in such environments. It can help prevent injury due to what is called “kickbacks”. This is the bouncing back of heavy equipment that works underneath these mats. Over time the bouncing can lead to injuries ranging anywhere from whiplash to back pain. So how can industrial floor mats help prevent this from happening? The answer is simple: if you wear them or stand on one, they will absorb the impact instead of bouncing right off.

The next function of these mats is to absorb shock and vibration. This is especially important in warehouses and factories where there is a constant presence of movement of large trucks and other machinery. Moreover, they can help prevent workers from being injured during long hours of standing or walking without much direction. Finally, by helping reduce the amount of wear and tear on the joints and feet, industrial floor mats can help reduce the risk of permanent damage and fatigue-related injuries.

Anti-fatigue mats are designed with specific patterns to help reduce the amount of wear and tear on heavy equipment. Several factors go into how well a mat works at reducing wear. One of the main factors is that the material used to make them is thick enough to provide a cushioning effect to the body. This helps reduce any stress points that could potentially injure the body while working.

Should Employers Invest in Anti-Fatigue Mats in the Workplace?

The main reason why an employer would want to put these mats on a worksite is to improve the overall comfort of the environment. With less wear and tear from heavy equipment, workers will have more time to relax and enjoy their work. These mats may seem like an insignificant detail when you’re thinking about the rest of the things that can go on at the site, but they play an important role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly. If an employee wants to get the most out of his or her workday, putting in the right anti-fatigue mats could be the best decision that the employer can make.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).