What Affects Internet Speed?

What Affects Internet Speed?

The following contribution is from another author.

If you are trying to make sure that you have the best possible internet in your home, there are many considerations that you will likely need to bear in mind. As long as you manage to do this, it is going to mean you can have the best internet, and that is likely to make things a lot easier for everyone in your home overall. After all, these days the internet is essential, and you might even need to use it for your work right now. Knowing what affects the internet speed will help you to get it as fast as possible, so let’s take a look at this in some detail right now.

Wi-Fi Standards

There are a range of different wi-fi standards that you might have for a particular router, so you need to be aware of the difference between them, as they can affect the speed of the internet you receive considerably. The main ones that you will likely be choosing from are 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, and 802.11ac. In all likelihood, you will normally have one of these, but the best are the first two, which have the best combination of the right frequency bands and encoding technologies to ensure a quicker internet speed. You should make sure to check this out before you buy a router, and whenever you are trying to reconfigure your internet to be faster.


Bandwidth is exactly what it sounds like: a width of the band that is being used for the internet connection. If you want your internet to be as fast and powerful as possible, you are going to need a wider bandwidth. Specifically, the wider it is, the more you can do at one time with the same internet connection and router. So if you are in a busy household, with one person playing online driving games in one room and someone else streaming movies in the other room, you are going to need a lot of bandwidth to work with. Again, make sure to at least consider this as you set it up to avoid disappointment.


There are certain things that you can’t really do all that much about, and one of them is the location of where you live. Of course, you can move home, but if you are not keen to do that or not in a position to, then this is something that can pose a significant problem for your internet usage. Some areas just have very poor coverage and signal, and that is going to be something that can take a long time to change. Again, there is not a great deal to be done other than moving home or waiting for things to improve, but it’s something to be aware of in either case.

As you can see, your internet speed can be affected in a number of ways. Be sure to look into all of this if you want your internet to be faster.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).