Rest Easy With These Bedroom Decluttering Tips

Rest Easy With These Bedroom Decluttering Tips

The following contribution is from another author.

We all want our bedroom to feel like a peaceful haven where we can drift off without worry. One of the single best ways to make the bedroom calmer is to cut the clutter. Cluttered bedrooms have been found to increase feelings of stress and make it harder to go to sleep. However, there are many types of clutter, as well as many ways to get rid of it. Here, we’re going to look at a few tips that can help you tidy it away and open up the space you need to relax.

Start with a deep clean

The first kind of clutter and bedroom “noise” that you want to eliminate is that of any mess lying around. Depending on what you use your bedroom as, whether it’s just for sleeping or, if like some, it also doubles as an office space, you might have some papers lying around, some unwashed cups or dishes, or other kinds of mess that simply don’t belong in the bedroom. Follow a bedroom deep clean plan to make sure that everything is tidied away and try to keep a policy of not letting anything linger out and around the bedroom that doesn’t belong there anymore for longer than a day. Make it a daily habit to tidy the bedroom.

Mind the clothes lying around

If you’re like a lot of people, then the bedroom is where you will do most of your undressing and undressing. Like some, you might not immediately tidy your clothes away, but wait until it’s time to throw everything in the laundry and, otherwise, let it pile on the ground of a chair in the bedroom. This is another kind of clutter that can affect the peacefulness of the room, as well, however, so it needs to stop. You don’t have to change your laundry habits too much for this, you can simply make use of wicker baskets to act as temporary storage for anything that is in the bedroom right now but eventually meant for someplace else. Then when you have time, you simply empty it.

Start seeing what sparks joy

If you’ve been paying attention to decor tips as of late then you’ve likely come into contact with Marie Kondo’s brand of minimalism, one that could very easily apply to your bedroom. If you feel like you have a few too many knick-knacks or decor items, then it might be time to start looking at which of them you need to keep. Go over everything in the bedroom, from furniture pieces to things on your desks to the accents on the wall, and ask yourself whether or not they really still bring any value to you. If they don’t spark joy, then it’s time to part with them and make some space.

Use furniture that multitasks

As for the things that you do keep, at some point, you might need to replace them and then you should ask yourself, what kind of replacement can help you create the tidy, uncluttered haven that you need? For one instance, what kind of bed should you consider? Replacing beds with overly bulky frames with the kind of platform beds as shown in this guide can help you slim down the sleeping space without having to change mattress sizes. What’s better, platform beds are the kind of furniture that can easily multitask, acting as additional storage space so that you can declutter some of the other spaces in the bedroom. There are also things like multitasking chairs and desks that can also help one piece do the work of two, perhaps decreasing the necessity for extra furniture in the bedroom in the first place.

Keep your storage spaces organized

Clutter isn’t just about what’s out in the open, but it’s also about how you deal with the things currently taking up your storage space. Look inside your wardrobe and your drawers and ask yourself whether or not it’s easy to quickly find the different garments or accessories that you need. If it isn’t, then you might want to look at these tips on how you can organize and sort your storage spaces to make them a lot more convenient. Whatever task your bedroom is supposed to fulfill, be it for sleep or for storage, the trick to make it a more relaxed spot is to ensure it does that job effectively.

If you’re going to declutter your bedroom, you need to have a strategy based on the type of clutter that you’re dealing with. Hopefully, the tips above show you how you can deal with the different types.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

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