6 Best Tips to Get Your House Ready for Colder Seasons 

6 Best Tips to Get Your House Ready for Colder Seasons 

The following contribution is from another author.

Since fall is here, it’s time to start preparing your home for the colder days that are about to come, and keeping your house warm is of utmost importance.

To ensure that you don’t find yourself in need of remedial work in the middle of the winter when temperatures sink, start doing small home maintenance and repairs to get you and your house prepared for colder seasons. 

Here are the 6 best ways to make your house winter-ready.  

1. Tune-up or Invest in New Heating systems 

Ensuring that your heating system is in tip-top shape is arguably the most important step you can take in preparing your home for winter. 

It’s a clue that your heater is on the fritz and maybe on its final legs if you feel a little too cold inside your home this winter, even with the thermostat turned all the way up. No one wants to get stuck with a broken heating system on a cold night. 

You may feel warm, and the system might seem in shape, but your heater may start draining your bank account with huge electricity bills when things in there stop working as they should. 

Call up maintenance to inspect your current heating system; they will inform you whether they can tune it up or if you need a new central heater installation

2. Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Since hot air rises, many suggest turning on the ceiling fan when you turn your heat on so it can move the air down near the ground and warm-up rooms quicker. 

If your ceiling fan has a switch that changes direction, you can use it when the heat is on to warm up places with high ceilings. You can even turn down the heating levels and reduce energy use and your bills

3. Check on Your Gutters and Clean them

Inspect your gutters to see whether they’re in good condition. If not, you’ll need to replace them before raining and snowing seasons hit. 

Clear leaves, moss, and other debris from the gutters to avoid clogs during heavy rain or snow.

4. Protect Outside Pipes From Freezing

First thing’s first, drain, clean, and cover your pool. Then, if you have any outdoor faucets, drain and turn them off. Finally, roll the hoses and put them in storage for winter since you won’t be needing those.

5. Caulk the Doors and Windows if Necessary 

Check your windows and doors for drafts as you walk around your house. Caulk around door and window frames as needed.

Make sure you have proper insulation that will keep the heat inside the whole winter. 

Also, fix up broken doors and have good quality of doors replacement. Doing so will help avoid more damage during the harsh winter months and maintain the safety of your home against burglaries.

6. Sweep Your Chimney 

Call a chimney sweep before you start using your fireplace or furnace if you did not get it cleaned and inspected in the spring. This will keep your home safe from chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).