Ways You Can Promote Your Home Business

Ways You Can Promote Your Home Business

Whatever type of business you have, whether it’s home-based or on another location, you always need to find new ways to promote yourself. Without a great promotional campaign, you may as well not be in business as how is anyone going to know about you? Luckily, promoting yourself doesn’t always have to come with a huge price tag, like it did in times of old. With the rise of the internet, it has never been easier to promote yourself. A good promoter knows to use both online and offline techniques to maximize their reach, so let’s take a look at a few methods of self-promotion.

Your Brand and Logo

You need an eye-catching logo that you can use on all your promotional material, so your customer knows that it is you. However, you need more than that. You need an entire brand that includes a business philosophy, personality, core values, ethics, ethos, etc. The more heartfelt, real, and human you can come across, the better. This philosophy needs to be encapsulated in your logo, so not only are you recognized, but the depth of your message is recognized too.


A great website is needed to build trust and showcase who you are. Your promotional material gives snippets of your brand personality, but this needs to be expressed online. A brand story written here is a good touch. Also, the site needs to be attractive, with sharp, relevant content, with a fully functional online shop. You don’t have to build a website yourself. There are plenty of tools such as WordPress, Wix, etc., which can build the site for you.

Logo Imprinted Goods

A great way to promote yourself is at local events. If you want to build community engagement, then you have to do these. When you are at these events, you can hold a stall and talk to your potential customer and give out some freebies such as water bottles 4allpromos. You can also hand out business cards with your web address on them, as well as a range of other items. 

Use Google

Create a Google Business and Google Places account, as these are great ways to promote your business. By doing this, you will appear in the Google business directory. Also, by adding yourself to Google Places you will appear as a location in Google Maps. It is a fantastic free way to advertise your business online.   


If you don’t know about Search Engine Optimization, where have you been? Then you can contact SEO consultants and know their different SEO package prices online. This is where you load your online content with relevant keywords so that the search engine can find you more easily. Think about what our customers will type into a search engine to look for you and ensure your content is littered with these words and phrases. It is also in your best interests to have a blog that you regularly update, which also showcases these keywords. 

Social Media

If you want a great free tool to promote yourself use social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all have their own niches. So, do a little investigation and create a social media marketing strategy


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).