Critical Signs To Consider Heating and Furnace Maintenance

Critical Signs To Consider Heating and Furnace Maintenance

The following contribution is from another author.

Almost every home in the United States has a heating and furnace system. However, only 42% of homeowners take annual heating and furnace maintenance by a professional seriously.

Most homeowners don’t think heating maintenance services are imperative. They ignore alarming signs to seek furnace maintenance services until it’s too late, thus spending fortunes to repair the system. Keeping a sound working heating system should always be a priority.

So, don’t sit around worrying that the heating and furnace system can break down anytime.

Here are some critical signs to watch and call for heating maintenance professional services.

1) Frequent Gas Leaks

If you notice a gas leakage from your furnace, call professional heating maintenance services immediately. It’s vital to note your furnace gas leaks through sulfur smell, damaged valves, and browning shrubbery.

However, if the heating maintenance services are not available right away, turn off the furnace. Gas is highly flammable; in extreme cases, you better leave your home until the issue is addressed by qualified professionals.

2) Upsurge in Heating Bills

Nothing hits more than getting costly heating bill surprises during winter. Sometimes, it’s inevitable to face continuous temperature drops in your house and high heating bills if your furnace is not maintained regularly.

Get your system checked by professionals if you have been receiving higher heating bills than before. If there is a trend in increased heating bills worse than what your neighbors receive, your heating system has a severe problem.

3) Continuous Running of Compressor

Whether you have been experiencing constant compressor running and short cycling, it’s a clear sign your heating system needs urgent maintenance. In most cases, the compressor constantly runs if the heating system takes long hours to achieve an accommodative temperature for the room. Short cycling occurs if the system overheats and stops immediately.

If your furnace is functioning as intended, it shouldn’t take too much time to heat a room. Instead, it’s supposed to achieve a set time to evenly heat a room without stopping suddenly.

4) Strange Noises

Heating systems are designed to maintain smooth whirring sounds and its sign of proper functioning. However, if the system produces spooky sounds after turning on, it’s a sign the compressor can break down anytime. Rattle sound is an indication of a failing motor or loose hardware.

The louder the noise of your furnace, the bigger the problem. If the noises are irregular, seek heating maintenance services. Its best solution is to unveil the root cause of strange noises and maintain your system from further malfunctioning.

5) Water Leakage

Nobody likes water leakages, but it’s more concerning if there is a sign of water around the furnace. If you notice a puddle of water around the heating system, there is a need for maintenance services.

Sometimes the water could result from condensation or a clog from an internal system. It’s always advisable to contact professional services to avoid future furnace complicated issues such as molds.

Final Thoughts

Nothing makes the whole night boring than curling up due to the cold. Having a well-functioning heating system is healthy and critical in keeping your family safe. A well-maintained furnace smoothens life during weather shifts, even on less demanding days.

No matter what, watch out for the alarming signs mentioned above on your heating system. An expert can always handle the problem before it’s out of hand, so consider availing of heating maintenance services mostly during fall and mid-way of the demanding winter season. This is an assurance of a longer heater life span and fewer costs associated with advanced damages.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


  • I like that you talked about how you should get your heating system checked by professionals if you have been receiving higher heating bills than before. Our utility bills have been quite high lately and we suspect that it might be due to our heating system. So with that in mind, we should probably ask some experts for heating services.

  • Thank you for sharing this!
    I only want to add that if your furnace is old, you should think about replacement. Even though it may work properly, it is not as efficient as you want it to be (they have an efficiency rating between 50 and 70%), so you spend more money on heating your home.

  • If you bills are increasingly grow, it also makes sense to chenck your home for air leaks. Regular HVAC maintenance is crucial – no doubt. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of it may be highly compromised without proper insulation — about 20% of heated or cooled air that moves through a home might be lost because of poor insulation.

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