The Benefits of Living in a Tiny Home

The Benefits of Living in a Tiny Home

The following contribution is from another author.

Tiny homes are becoming more and more popular as people across the world struggle to get on the housing ladder and support a conventional lifestyle due to the rising costs of living and running a home. If you’re interested in tiny living, read on for some of the top benefits.  

Mobile Home 

How would you like to take your home anywhere? It certainly makes packing to go on vacation a lot easier and more straightforward. Tiny homes are available in different shapes and sizes, but most of them have a set of wheels and chassis that lets you hitch them to a trailer and move. 

Whether you are moving your home to a new spot of land with a better view or better conditions, or if you want to take your home on the road and see some new places, it’s \easy with a tiny home. Tiny homes are super mobile but don’t forget to tie everything down before driving away.   

Cheaper Build

If you don’t have the skills and expertise to build a conventional home you might have the ability to construct a tiny home. Tiny homes are made from simple materials and processes that you can learn from a book or the internet. Of course, there is a custom home builder to buy from. 

While it is more expensive to buy a tiny home from a company rather than designing and constructing it yourself it is generally cheaper overall. Cheaper homes mean you have more money in the bank for saving or traveling with, and you still have an awesome place to live.  

Eco Friendly

There is the linear economy and the circular economy. For as long as we can remember we have been living in a linear economy, this is a system of production and waste that results in using a lot of materials and goods. The circular economy is based on production and reuse. 

Tiny homes are more eco-friendly because you can use a lot of recycled and repurposed materials for your build. Not only are recycled materials cheaper to buy but they are also more environmentally friendly. That’s because you salvage materials and maintain a circular system.   

Energy Efficient 

Naturally, tiny homes are more energy efficient. The smaller the building the less power you are going to need in general, couple that with the fact that tiny homes use renewable energy more than conventional homes and you have a recipe for a home that saves you money on power. 

Look across the fence at your neighbors in this large conventional home with a hefty mortgage and smile, because you already own your home, you have more money in the bank, and you are saving substantial sums of money on your energy costs as the price of power rises steadily. 

Minimal Lifestyle

Minimalism is good for the mind because clutter is stressful and unnecessary. When you live in a tiny home you will have to pare down your lifestyle as a matter of necessity, but it means you think more about the things that matter and you save money on unnecessary items in general. 


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


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