Tips to Save Money on Framing a House

Tips to Save Money on Framing a House

The following contribution is from another author.

Framing a house- it is believed to be the crucial phase whenever you plan to build a home. Cost is a critical component on which you should always keep a closer eye because you never know when house framing costs estimate get out of control. Such projects have the potential that their costs tend to go out of your budget-range when not taken care of.

So, how to manage the framing cost? Here you can check out the tips to save money on framing a house. Giving you a general idea- Having a plan, using scrap wood, saving lumber through design, conducting jobsite management and opting for advanced framing techniques can help you a lot in keeping the cost under control.

Bonus tip!

As a bonus tip- carrying out framing estimation will give you an exact idea from where to cut the cost, which items to add and which one are not needed. Framing is expensive, but estimation helps you to focus on quality as well as affordability. Other details are mentioned below:

Tip # 1- Creating a separate framing plan

It is recommended to create a separate framing plan instead of mixing up the details of all construction tasks. Framing carpenters have to plan out each nitty-gritty details beforehand so that none of the important costs are missed out and the budget stays under-control.

Figure out all details, plan out in advance and do a detailed meeting with general and sub-contractors that how framing project is going to be conducted! The whole team has to be on the same page. If any information is missed out, it might cost you a lot. Furthermore, have one-on-one conversation with the structural engineer and review the framing plan as many times as you can.

Planning well definitely keep the framing construction cost low. It is a fact that overlooking the important costs usually comes from delays as well as duplication of tasks. If you plan out properly, none of these issues will ever occur. You are likely save a lot from framing project by mapping out the details of each phase of the project.

Tip # 2- Using standard lengths of lumber

It is believed that using standard lengths of lumber save money on a framing project. Maximize the use of lumber which is available in standard lengths and you are good to go to save a lot of money. Moreover, lumber suppliers usually have pre-cut studs which syncs well with the wall heights. Get them and save labor cost.

Tip # 3- Managing lumber when it reaches to the jobsite

On average, more than 20% cost is dedicated to the framing project out of the total construction cost. So, manage this project phase very wisely. Wood is expensive, the moment lumber reaches to the jobsite, manage it efficiently and try your level best to reduce waste. Utilize all the ordered lengths, that is the wisest thing that you can do.

Tip # 4- Using scrap wood

Scrap wood can be used smartly; do you want to know how? Instead of throwing left-over lumber in the trash, use it while crafting architecturally driven designs. You can use as many cut-offs of scrap wood as possible for joist blocking, filling purpose and drywall backers.

Tip # 5- Opting advanced framing techniques

Advanced framing certainly cut down the framing project cost. It is an upgraded technique that has helped out the home-owners to increase energy efficiency, optimize materials use and keep the cost under-controlled. Besides, this technique utilizes less wood without compromising the structural integrity of your home.

The mentioned technique is at times known as optimum value engineering OVE. Especially for building a wood framed house, considering this practice remains a must. Lumber gets replaced with insulation material and this aspect also keeps the home energy-efficient.

With advanced framing, lumber components are pre-designed and engineered, as well as cut to fit before shipping. This practice ultimately reduces waste and saves a lot of money which would eventually end up in a trash.

More tips to reduce framing cost

  • It is recommended to space wall studs approximately up to 24 inches on center.
  • You must use two-stud corner framing.
  • Opt for budget-friendly drywall clips or scrap lumber.
  • Eliminate the use of headers if it is a non-load-bearing wall.
  • Go for in-line framing and use top plates.

We hope that you will find the tips fruitful and easy to follow. They will surely keep the framing cost under-control. All of the above-mentioned approaches and techniques results in an energy-efficient and structurally-sound home.

The building industry panicked a lot when the cost of building materials gone on the seventh cloud. Especially, the price of lumber went sky rocket high and continuously shoot up! All thanks to these expert recommended pieces of advice, you can now put less pressure on your house framing budget.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).


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