Top Reasons to Build an Off-Grid Community

Top Reasons to Build an Off-Grid Community

The following contribution is from another author.

More and more people around the world are seeing the benefits of community living. Usually, this takes them off grid, where they are creating their own community of homes, vegetable patches, water tanks and even solar panels to generate electricity. Off-grid living isn’t for everyone but if you are community minded and you want to become more sustainable in your way of life, it could be the solution for you.

You and your family deserve to live in a way that is kindest for you and sometimes, that means being kind to the environment at the same time. You should always choose to build a community with people who understand your motives and understand why community solar low income options would be best off grid, too. So, with this in mind, we’ve put together the top reasons that you should build your own off-grid community.

  1. The chance to take charge. The whole idea of building your own community is to live a life that makes sense for you without the reliance on mainstream power grids or government-run businesses. You deserve to be more dependent on yourself if that’s what you want, and as most of the big companies tend to make decisions that don’t align with your needs, it makes sense to want to do things your own way. When you live off grid, you can empower yourself and take the time to build resources that allow you more than just survival.
  2. Off grid living gives you the chance to get creative. If you’ve always wanted to live off the land, build your own house and make your own textile with things that you find and salvage, you can do that. You get to design everything yourself, and it really does require some creative thinking to go off the grid and let go of the usual ‘norms’. You’ll have to learn how to gather food and water for yourself but if you can team up with others in your community, you can assign jobs to everyone so you are all responsible.
  3. Speaking of community! Living off the grid gives you a chance to build a community that makes sense. You can buy land as a group, set up the infrastructure to make off grid living make sense and you can make your community thrive as a result. So many people are building off-grid communities because it gives you a chance to gather like-minded people to thrive together with independence. 
  4. It’s a chance to build your skills. If you’ve ever loved to build things, you have a good opportunity to do that when you are living away from the norms. You can think like an engineer and plan like an architect. You don’t have to forsake all technology, you just have to choose the technology that works for you the best. You can build your skills with cooking and gathering veggies and fruits, and you can even learn how the sun can power your new community.
  5. Lean on the power of the sun. you don’t need to have actual power when you are off grid; solar panels can do it for you. Connecting to nature and the elements can help you to lean into it to power things that you need. DIY windmills can power your house and solar panels can help you with appliances. You can also guarantee that you’ll learn to work with fire and water to keep your new home running smoothly. Learning to cook with the help of fire and sun ovens will be a game changer!
  6. You’ll learn to use resources wisely. We don’t have to keep using up every resource but as human beings, it’s become our go-to. Instead of doing things this way, you can make a change and learn to use your resources wisely, comfortably and without waste. Materials that you use will be used to their absolute fullness, so that you can ensure that you no longer have a carbon footprint that is huge. Waste won’t be a factor in your community and that in itself will change your life and how you view your world. 
  7. Going off grid allows you to be prepared. When things go wrong with climate change, with war and with the government, it’s people who suffer most. As someone who is self-sufficient and sustains life beyond the societal normalities, you’re going to be able to feel prepared for any eventuality. You don’t ever have to live in fear anyway but you can feel more confident about life knowing you’re doing it yourself.
  8. You can stop worrying about inflation. Energy bills are going right up but when you are off the grid, you don’t have to worry about rising prices for outrageous electricity bills. With your windmills, water energy and using solar power, you can counter inflation and make it so much easier to live without going too far into debt. In fact, the only debt you will end up with is what you owe the world around you! As you won’t be shopping in conventional supermarkets as much, you can guarantee your spending will go down, too.
  9. You’ll be making some sound investments. You will need money to get your community started, and that means looking at making safe investments, such as investing in the right energy methods, land to build and grow on and farming options to grow your own food en masse.
  10. Because why not? You get to grow a whole new community off grid that allows you to live in abundance, with plenty of energy and water as you need it. You can thrive, give back to your community and build together. This in itself is more than enough reason to go ahead and make this prosperous decision. Your entire future could depend on this move and it could be everything you need to grow a whole life without living on the government grids. 

It’s exciting to make a big change, so why not build your off-grid community today?


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).

1 comment

  • Three different charging modes—fast, eco, and eco+—are available on this model. If you select Eco+, the charger will use any excess solar power to power your EV instead of sending it back to the National Grid.

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