Does Installing a Pergola Improve the Value of Your Home?

Does Installing a Pergola Improve the Value of Your Home?

The following contribution is from another author.

Pergolas have long been popular outdoor additions to homes. They span the globe, bringing both beauty and functionality to countless properties. Because of that, many homeowners are considering making them part of their outdoor living spaces.

That being said, quite a few are a bit hesitant to do so. After all, installing a pergola can be a major investment. Numerous homeowners are wondering if doing so will improve the value of their homes and bring a return on their investments. Take a moment to delve into whether installing a pergola adds value to a home and which factors go into making that determination.

What Is a Pergola Worth to You?

First of all, consider just how much value a company like The Luxury Pergola can bring to you personally. Installing a pergola on your property can certainly give you a great deal of personal satisfaction. It’ll expand your outdoor living area and give you more room to entertain guests.

Having a pergola provides endless opportunities for spending time outdoors be it for a few hours of peaceful solitude or bonding with your family. All that can certainly bring about immense fulfillment. That’s immeasurably valuable in its own right.

From a Monetary Perspective

That being said, it’s time to change lanes and look at the matter from a purely monetary perspective. Generally speaking, installing a pergola does, indeed, add value to a home. It’s an extension of the house and an improvement upon its surroundings, so it’s bound to add to the home’s market value. Experts are quick to point out that any investment you make in a home is likely to boost its worth. Of course, just how much value a pergola brings to your property depends on several factors.


For one, the materials used in building the pergola will affect its overall added value. High-quality materials will give you more value than lower-grade alternatives. With quality materials, your pergola is likely to remain in excellent condition for years to come. That means it won’t lose significant value over time or quickly start to detract from the appearance of your property.


Even a small, basic pergola can increase your property value, but the possibilities only grow from there. Adding extra features can ramp up the amount of value a pergola brings to your home. Those might include a fireplace, built-in seating, and lighting. For larger pergolas, you might even be able to include an outdoor kitchen and dining area. Having a retractable cover on your pergola or automated louvers that open and close as needed can take its value even higher.


As you might imagine, the look of your pergola will affect its value as well. It needs to meld with the architectural style of your house and blend in with other features on your property. Enhancing it with plants and other decorative items can increase its allure. Having flowers and greenery planted around it may give added appeal as well. Though the pergola can stand on its own, giving it a few extra touches is sure to bring an even higher return on investment. Remember, keeping the pergola in optimal condition will help to maintain its value.

Getting the Most Value from Your Pergola

In a nutshell, yes, installing a pergola will improve the value of your home. Using high-quality materials in its construction and adding nice features to it will bring even more value. Making sure the pergola fits in with the style of the home and keeping it in good condition will go even further. Beyond all that, the personal satisfaction you’ll get from the pergola will be invaluable.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).