Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Bathroom

Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Bathroom

The following contribution is from another author.

When living in a home for long enough, we can get used to its little quirks and idiosyncrasies with enough ease that they don’t become too much trouble after a while. This is true of the bathroom just as much as other spaces. However, it’s worth noting that there are quirks that aren’t worth tolerating and might actually be a sign that it’s time to switch up your bathroom with an upgrade.

You’re starting to see mold

Mold can spread in any bathroom. Investing in good ventilation can help you remove the excess steam that causes moisture, but even then it can cling to crevices in your tiles and similar spaces and start to spread. You can clean away mold fairly easily, but if you find yourself having to do it too often, you can look at switching your wall tiles to panels that have less space for mold to grow, for instance.

You don’t have enough space

It’s a common complaint for a lot of bathrooms. If you feel like you don’t have the space to comfortably use the space or move around, then you might want to start looking at the bathroom remodel cost in your area. Switching to different models of fixtures, countertops, and the like can offer a lot more space. You can also free up space before your sink and countertop, for instance, so that you can fit some storage below, and open up more the floor as a result.

You want a stand-in shower

If your bathroom doesn’t offer the appliances that you want, then that is one of the best reasons to switch it up. For a lot of people, having a bathtub is not only pointless, but it’s a hassle, especially if you have to step into it to take a shower. Having your bathroom removed and a cubicle shower installed in its place is an investment, but it’s one that can make your time in the bathroom much, much more comfortable.

Your floor is becoming a slip hazard

Your bathroom needs to be safe. Wet floors can be a slip hazard regardless, but if you feel like your flooring is offering very unsure footing, then it might be time to do your research on the best flooring options for bathrooms. This is especially true if you share the home with anyone who might be at a greater risk of injury if they should fall.

It’s looking outdated

It might not seem like the most pressing issue mentioned here, but a bathroom that feels old and faded isn’t going to give you the spa-like relaxation that you deserve when tending to yourself in private. Even an aesthetic upgrade to the bathroom can make a huge change. Switching up the tiles, fixture details, and even soft furnishings like window treatments can totally revamp your space.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide what your breaking point is. However, if any of the above sounds familiar to you, it’s well worth considering whether it’s time to upgrade and update your bathroom or not.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).