3 Easily Overlooked Areas of Building Your Own Home

3 Easily Overlooked Areas of Building Your Own Home

The following contribution is from another author.

While most people choose to buy a house, there’s always the option of building instead. There are plenty of benefits to building your own home, like:

  • Having more control over the layout
  • Turning it into your dream home
  • Making it as functional and comfortable as you want
  • Greater control over costs

These can all be appealing for more than a few reasons, and you could already be set to do it. While you would’ve thought about almost everything, it’s possible you could’ve overlooked a few areas. For instance, did you know how beneficial Construction foam blocks can be for your foundation?

You’re not the only one who will forget a few key things, and some areas are more overlooked than others. By knowing about them, you can make sure they’re done right.

Building Your Own Home: 3 Easily Overlooked Areas

1. Accessibility Futures

While you mightn’t need to worry about any accessibility features now, it’s always possible you might need to in the future. If this will be your forever home, you’ll naturally grow old in it. That could then mean needing to implement a few features to make it easier to move around.

Though you mightn’t need to install these right away, try to work them into the layout anyway. It could make it much easier to install these features later on when you might need them. With how much it’ll end up affecting your quality of life, you’ve no reason not to.

2. Insulation

Insulation is a vital part of keeping a house warm, which is why it’s worth making sure it’s installed when you’re building your own home. It could cost a whole lot more to install later on, if you realize it’s too cold without it. It shouldn’t even need to take too much time to do this.

An insulation company can get it done relatively quickly. Depending on the size of your property, it might take as little as two or three days to do. Since it’ll help bring your utility bills down in the future, there’ll be a decent return on investment.

3. Water Quality

You’ll need to hook up your utilities at some point during the process, but it’s worth knowing as much as possible about them beforehand. Specifically, it’s worth knowing about your local water quality. This mightn’t be as healthy or above-board as you might’ve thought, and you could need to take precautions.

It could mean you have to put filters into your home before you can use the water. By knowing about that before building, you avoid the need to have them installed later on. Make sure you check this early so there aren’t any hiccups or extra costs in the future.

Building Your Own Home: Wrapping Up

Building your own home is appealing for multiple reasons, but there’s a lot of work involved. Because of everything you need to get done, it’s possible to overlook more than a few areas. These wouldn’t exactly be small areas, either.

By knowing about them ahead of time, you could make sure you don’t forget about them. They could be much more important to living in and enjoying your home long term.


Roland Burbine is the creator of At Home in the Future and has been a passionate fan of the future since he was seven. He's a web developer by trade, and serves as the Director of Communication and Technology for a large church in Nashville, TN (where he and his family are building a high tech home in the woods).